The US from Another Point of View | Teen Ink

The US from Another Point of View

December 19, 2013
By kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
kacs528 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know other people from the world how they think of United States? I want to share how I think of U.S. government. As a person who came from Hong Kong, my point may make you feel objectionable. However, loyal advice jars on the ears. If you don’t want to know you can skip to read this.

U.S. is control over the world, I don’t know how you think of that, I am personally very offended with it. A country does not need the guidance of U.S. to work. The irony is that United States itself, have so many problem has not been solved, why don’t they just mind your own business. Do you know about Edward Joseph Snowden? He is an American computer specialist, a former CIA employee, I admire his courage to say what measures U.S. to try to manipulate the world. He pointed out that NSA had been invaded mainland China and Hong Kong people’s computer. I don’t know that the U.S. government knows what they are doing or not. Regardless of the U.S. invasion on their own people’s computers, the U.S. absolutely has no right to invade other country’s computer. China accused the United States in the International Court of Justice, but I believe U.S. does not care about the ruling of the International court. United States has always ignored the International court Arbitration. For example, in 1986 international the court demanded that the U.S. stop the illegal military actions against Nicaragua; the United States would have been rejected. International Tribunal demanded that the U.S. pay compensation. But the United States has not fulfilled obligations. This shows how the United States is arrogant, even ignoring the ruling of the International Tribunal.

In my opinion, the United States is also savage and absurd. Compared to China's economy, which has been growing in recent years, the U.S. economy is recession. The U.S. has been jealous of China's economic growth. The United States has taken many immorality measures to combat of China's economic development. The most obvious is the United States increase import duties on a variety of products for China. In the global economic, this is a poor approach to suppress the economy of other countries. This unreasonable measure of the U.S. is really repugnant. Can’t other countries be more successful than U.S.?

In fact the U.S. should be grateful to China to buy so much U.S. debt, you may not know that China holds the U.S. debt total of 1,304,500,000,000 USD. The truth is reverse, the U.S. has been control of Asian countries trying to suppress China. Japan, South Korea and the Philippines and other countries are the United States marionette. The U.S. has been in control of these countries to try to control Asia. The United States has allocated funds and military in these countries, but do you know where these funds are coming from? They are coming from China. The U.S. keeps using funds to develop various programs, but didn't consider their own economic environment. Even more disgraceful is the use of these funds to suppress China. The United States has controlled Japan on the Diaoyu Islands (also known as the Senkaku Islands) to oppress China. Historical evidence shows that sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands belong to China. Without the U.S. support of Japan, today China can recapture Diaoyu Islands. China recently announced the establishment of the Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea, covering most of the East China Sea. With this, I want to indicate that China established the Air Defense Identification Zone with no violation of any treaty. But after China announced the Air Defense Identification Zone, the U.S. soon indicated its non-recognition. Japan, South Korea and the Philippines also immediately followed the U.S. for its non-recognition. Until this month, the United States, South Korea and Japan Airlines finally accepted China ADIZ flight plan filing requirements. Actually it is the United States to lead other countries to accept China's Air Defense Identification Zone flight plan filing requirements. Finally, in isolated cases in Japan, only be accepted the requirements of the Chinese authorities.

That's my view of the U.S. government. I hope people can look at other angles of their own country; try to see their country from another perspective. You could have a different thought of your own country. I found that very few Americans are concerned about the affairs of other countries and I advise everyone to pay attention to what is happening around the world. Do not restrict yourself to only pay attention to your own country, otherwise you will fall behind other countries.

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