Practicing Safe Driving | Teen Ink

Practicing Safe Driving

January 8, 2014
By Raia L BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Raia L BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
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Some people in the world find themselves thinking, “I can do whatever I please in my car because I bought it and there is no one who can control me.” They are very wrong as well as their ideas. Just because they believe they are the greatest multitasker that doesn’t warrant them to murder an innocent life. Contrary to a popular belief, people are killed in accidents that could have been easily prevented. Cell phone use, driving under the influence, and people rushing are the main reasons. We should prevent accidents by telling people to be more careful while in their cars.

Use of cell phones play a major role in accidents today. People talk and text on their phones causing them to avert their attention elsewhere. All it takes is for them to look up for one second and there goes another innocent life. For example, a man who was texting while driving hit, instantly killing a young girl no older than 8, says “ All I can remember is hitting send and looking back up and there she was. I tried to swerve but it was too late. The rest was a blur.” This shows that all that man did was send a small text message but in the end it turned out that text message killed a innocent blossoming life. Her face haunts him every time he gets behind the wheel, reminding him not to text and drive. It can Wait. Human lives are not the only thing destroyed in an accident, cars are as well. For example, some accidents are so terrible that the car is literally smashed and totaled causing it’s occupants to be hurt as well.

Driving under the influence also known as drunk driving can lead to many car accidents as well. For example, last year my aunt’s car was acting strange so she took it to a body shop. As the owner of the shop was moving the car he decided to take it on a joyride to a club with his buddies. He got drunk off of a few Heineken beers and he got in the car behind the wheel. He swerved to avoid hitting a deer and he smashed into a tree, totaling the car, many around him and earning himself a one way ticket to the hospital. Drunk Driving and buzzed driving is really bad and can really ruin your life. This man probably thought he was just slightly buzzed and he could easily make it home but having even the slightest amount of alcohol in your system puts your and everyone else’s life on the road in danger. Would it kill you not to drink and drive? Think of it as you making a commitment to never murder someone by consuming alcohol.

People rushing everywhere also contributes to many car accidents. When people are rushing places they tend to break traffic laws. When they break traffic laws that are meant to protect them, they are signing their own death certificate. For example last year a man was paralyzed because he ran a red light. When he ran that red light a big truck was coming down the highway and before it could stop, it slammed into the man’s car sending it flipping and rolling down the road. When asked what caused him to run that red light he said he was late for work and was in a hurry. That word “hurry” plays a big part in the cause of his accident, If he would have stopped and slowed down then he would not have been in a terrible accident that caused his paralyzation today.

Some drivers might argue that they have the right to do as they please in their cars but at the same time would you want your life put in danger because someone thinks they can multitask?

To conclude, if you are not yet old enough to drive then convince people around you who can to make better choices behind the wheel. Now I’m not saying no cell phones at all while in the car but I am saying you can use a bluetooth for phone conversations, wait until you stop at a red light to send any text messages, and I’m not saying you’re not allowed to rush anywhere but when you do rush be wise about the safety of other drivers on the road.

The author's comments:
I have been in a car accident before. So I know first hand what the impact can feel like. Accidents can be easily prevented. I want you to inspire drivers around you to make sure they practice safe driving.

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