Is Social Media Hurting our Youth? | Teen Ink

Is Social Media Hurting our Youth?

April 27, 2016
By JacobDunbar BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
JacobDunbar BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is social media hurting our youth socialize or is it helping? I believe that social media is hurting our youth because in today's generation teens are putting out too much personal information which can lead to cyberbullying and teens spending too much time alone or are not being social with friends.

Teens are spending too much time alone, like in Sherry Turkle's TED talk about teens being “Connected but Alone.” In my experience with her talk she explains that teens have developed a new way of communicating without actually talking to each other. She says they are “together alone,” which means that they are communicating together but alone, by their self. Which explains how social interaction is being doomed for the youth of today and causing more social and mental anxiety.

Teen’s are putting out too much personal information because In the article “Op-Ed: Are teens sharing too much information online?” it states that “91% of teens uploaded at least one photo of themselves on social media, 71% were willing to post their school and home addresses.” This means that when social media started becoming popular that teens and students felt safer while posting personal information. Also they are feeling more confident in people not taking or stealing their personal information which might be a problem in the future.

The issue of bullying has increased over time because of social media. When you say something bad to another person in person it takes guts and you have to be willing to face the repercussions. But when you say something online it takes way less guts to do and most times is anonymous. This is why it is so much easier to bully online. Also this is a reason for the increase of teen suicide which is why 20% of teens that were cyberbullied thought about suicide. If you see a post online on Facebook and you think it’s embarrassing you would comment or tease that person the next day or for the next week which can make people really think badly of themselves. 

Some might say that social media is helping by connecting people or uniting certain groups of people or is a convenience, these are mostly true but if your grandmother lives two blocks over and you have time to see her everyday, then you go home and face time, that’s not convenience that’s laziness. If you don’t have time, then make time or just wit to see her later.

In conclusion social media has harmed our youth by teens spending more time alone, teens putting out too much personal information, and the transformation of bullying into cyberbullying. What you should do now is watch your children or peers and see how they react around and in people’s lives. Also look how they react in socially awkward situations, do they pull their phone out or leave the group and get something. Watch your actions too and see what you do in awkward conversations or situations and try to fix or keep your habits.


The author's comments:

I am a sophomore in high school. I am in the band and play the tuba. Also I hope to be a Veterinary Technician and work with small animals.

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