Gay Marriage | Teen Ink

Gay Marriage

September 17, 2017
By kscheiner BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
kscheiner BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should gay marriage be accepted in today’s society? Marcia Nelson doesn’t think so. In her article published on Azcentral, she argues her opinion: “The gay movement has ambushed the traditional and religious meaning of marriage. Gay men and women are now considered partners, i.e., husband/husband or wife/wife. It seems our country's moral compass has lost all sense of direction.” Many people assume that marriage has long been a social institution defined by relationships between men and women. This means that love is defined by a man loving a woman.Why does this have to be the case?

TFP Student Action wrote an article in 2015 on why gay marriage should be opposed. The main point of their article is that homosexual marriage isn’t technically marriage, and it denies the main purpose of marriage: raising children. According to them, gay marriage “denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage.” Although they do not say so directly, they apparently assume that a perfect marriage has the balance between a man and a woman in a physical and mental way. For example, in their opinion, a man and man are the same physically and mentally, which isn’t a good balance for a perfect marriage . Why is that such a bad thing?

I disagree with Nelson’s view that the gay movement has ambushed the meaning of marriage. Marriage is simply the union of two people as partners, not specifically a man and a woman. People can’t see behind the physical appearance of others, when the only thing that truly matters is love. One definition for love is “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person” (Merriam Webster). Love has no gender. I also disagree with the TFP Student Action on the topic of raising children. When they say that “it is in the child’s best interests that he be raised under the influence of his natural father and mother” they are speaking for all children. How do they know that it is in their best interests? If the child’s parents are giving he/she the affection that he/she needs, the child shouldn’t need its rightful birth parent. They are suggesting that raising children in a homosexual lifestyle is a bad thing because they aren’t receiving the love and affection from a mother and a father, which is a “necessity”.

There are obviously enough opinionated people on this topic, as this is an extremely controversial one. I for one, am in favor of gay marriage because aside from things such as race, ethnicity, and in this circumstance, gender, a person is a person. If you look at this situation in black and white, a human being is just marrying another human being, and it really is as simple as that. Also, at the end of the day what does it really matter? Many people are affected by other’s life choices when in reality it does not affect them at all. Many people’s main purpose in life is to be happy, so let’s let go of all these tiny details on what is “right” and what is “wrong” about marriage, and let’s just let people be happy.

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on Sep. 25 2017 at 7:03 pm
Realjay41 DIAMOND, Culpeper , Virginia
81 articles 1 photo 91 comments
I have two friends who are gay. I just accepted who they were. I don't want to change them at all. It's there lives not ours.