Preferences | Teen Ink


April 29, 2019
By Nadiyah BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
Nadiyah BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that's youer than you." Dr. Seuss

My creative writing teacher once asked what kind of people I needed in my life? Why I needed those people? Could I be that person for myself? I cringed out of frustration trying to come up with a simple answer. I thought about it. At this point in life it’s all about food! Forget the players, the haters, the fakers too. Keep calm and just eat! Find some foodies to be friends with. By the way, foodies are people who just eat for pleasure (aka me).

Personally, I think everyone needs a few foodies in their life. We live in a world and time where people are emotional eaters--(aka also me). Don't get me wrong, eating a salad is great, but if I'm sad I'm probably going to eat a bowl of ice cream. Although, eating an apple (preferably a green one) every once in a while, isn’t so bad. I don’t think it’s right to discriminate to those who don’t eat meat or don’t eat junk food, not that I have the final say in this but I think you guys are cool too! You might be 10 times healthier than me, but I like you guys. You inspire me to exercise everyday, even though I’m going to eat an entire feast after that.

Most of the people I talk to are foodies. Just sitting and talking about the foods we eat all the time and the foods we want to try is just enough to make a foodie’s day. One time I spent 10 minutes debating about who’s fries were better: Wendy’s or Chickfila? Wendy’s won for some odd reason, but I’m sticking with Chickfila. My mom says that Chickfila should have my picture on their wall, because before I was born my mom was practically addicted to Chickfila! She went there everyday, it even got to the point where she would get extra on Saturday because they were closed on Sundays. That’s part of the reason I’m addicted to Chickfila. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she told me I was made of their chicken nuggets. You can imagine how hurt I was to hear my own “people” turn down Chickfila like that, but we all have our likes and dislikes, so I guess it’s fine (not really).

I don’t believe there’s a better way to explore different foods than to share! I took a moment and recognized one of my dearest friends, she always gives me her sandwich because she never eats it. Although I think it's kind of sad she doesn’t take the time to just enjoy that little work of art. To her it’s just a sandwich her mom made, but to me it’s like heaven perfectly sealed in a Ziploc bag. That’s not necessarily a food I never had but those sandwiches are one of a kind! She’s still one of the greatest friends though. She kind of reminds me of why I need foodies in my life, I can relate to them. She's the perfect definition of “sharing is caring.”

Foodies are their own little species. We are just these little humans who love and appreciate the art of food. That’s not all we think about but that just about sums it up as far as food is concerned. And if none of these things apply to you or relate to you in anyway, you’re still you whether or not you’re a foodie. I’m not one to judge, nor is anyone else. We’re all human and we all eat food, if you are not human and do not eat food, well… that’s a topic for another time. We foodies are just a teenie bit cooler than you because, you know food is food and food is good. There’s not much to it. Food is what we love, one thing we cherish most. I think I could be that person for myself. I could also really go for an Oreo milkshake right now but that’s not the point. Point is to just do you! (Or maybe share some of those potato chips you’re thinking about eating later).

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by how people can so easily be divided by their food preferences, and how we can all still love one another and be cool with each other, regardless of whatever preference a person may have.

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