Police Deserve Respect | Teen Ink

Police Deserve Respect

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

Police officers deserve more respect! Every day police officers across the nation put their life on the line to keep the public safe. They work long shifts and most of them make small wages. They also have to deal with a lot of things that most people could not bear to see or handle. The media and some violent movements also often jump to conclusions and spread hate speech against police which riles the public up and gets innocent police officers in some bad situations.

One reason I feel police need to be respected is because they put their very own life at stake to keep us safe. Police have to deal with and handle a lot of dangerous situations. They go through training to handle a wide variety of things that could happen while out in the field. If it wasn’t for the police, our nation would run wild with violence and drugs. The police are trained to handle these things in a way that will eliminate or apprehend the threat in the safest way or in a way that will cause the least amount of harm; something most citizens aren’t prepared to do.

Police officers  wake up everyday and leave their families to perform a job that could go from safe to deadly in a split second. Even a minor traffic stop can turn deadly in an instant. This is why police are always on edge because they have to be in order to protect themselves and people around them. One example of this being  two police officers in Pennsylvania who pulled a man over on a routine traffic stop who all of a sudden took off in his car hitting a school bus and causing both vehicles to catch fire. The man then got out and opened fire, injuring one police officer.

Another thing that people get wrong about police is that they  are looking to shoot someone and are prejudice. Not going to lie, there are police officers like that, but there are many more who are just trying to keep everyone safe and do their job. The media portray all police to be bad guys just looking to hurt people; this simply is not true. The media has taken a few incidents, most being misinformed or involving corrupt police officers, and blown them way out of proportion, all just to make money and get the public fired up. This really hurts police officers and puts them in more danger than they already were in.

Police officers work hard to keep our country safe. They perform a job that most people do not have the guts to do. It’s a hard line of work, not worth the pay, but somebody has to do it.

They have to deal with crazy and messed up situations. The media is always on their back trying to get the public fired up and grab as much cash as they can all because a few officers were clearly unqualified for the job. Police deserve our respect and support; let's give it to them.

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