Don’t understand Introverts? What you’re seeing is people who want to be by themselves. | Teen Ink

Don’t understand Introverts? What you’re seeing is people who want to be by themselves.

May 25, 2021
By Anonymous

What was your first reaction when you stumbled across kids playing together and then you see a kid all by himself?  If you’re an extrovert, you probably would have rushed over to the kid, and ask them, “Do you want to play with them? Are you lonely? Are you sad?”

If you’re like me, an introvert, you wouldn’t care as much, you would have said to the kid, “Do you like being by yourself?” You’re thinking about J.K Rowling when she considered herself an introvert and when she stayed by herself for long amounts of time because she was writing the Harry Potter books.  

What do you imagine when you see an extrovert and an introvert having a conversation? If you’re extroverted, you may be thinking, “I hope this conversation never ends. I have so many things to say to him.” If you’re introverted, you may be thinking, “This conversation is too long. I have nothing to say. I’m very awkward.”

People are wrong to think that introverted people are too lazy to talk to new people. It is their freedom to want or not want to talk to other people. Introverts like to be alone because being by yourself means you don’t have to interact with anyone. When introverts are near fewer people they feel so much more comfortable, but when there are a lot of people they become so uncomfortable.

Yes, some kids sometimes use being introverted as an excuse to have a reason to not hang out with someone, so they can do their hobby independently. But did you ever think that forcing someone to do something they don’t want to do could be the problem? Nobody wants to be forced to do something they are uncomfortable doing, in this case talking to new people.  like people forcing someone to do a dare they don’t want to do.

So maybe introverts will never have the same interactive standards as you. Maybe they don’t even know how to start a conversation with someone else.

What you should see when you see a kid by themself is a kid trying to figure out who they are. They just need some time to figure out who they are in the world. So what you see when you see depends on whether you’re going to stop feeding kids your unhealthy thoughts, and let the kids think for themselves or whether you cannot stop, and cripple their thoughts. What I want to see is not people rushing to label each other, but a rush to acceptance.  

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