Because He's Black | Teen Ink

Because He's Black

July 26, 2009
By James Mwaura SILVER, Summerville, South Carolina
James Mwaura SILVER, Summerville, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the morning on November 5, 2008, I went to school tired but excited. The night before, I had seen what I thought was the most important moment in my life, and one of the most important in this country’s history in the election of Barack Obama. But when I got to school, I saw that not only was excitement over the election limited almost exclusively to black students, but white students were already largely irritated by mention of the election only seven hours after we had discovered that the United States would have its first black president. At first I thought this was due to the vast majority of white students at my high school identifying with the Republican party, and the election of a Democrat frustrated them. But when even apathetic students were “tired of hearing about Obama,” I knew something there was something deeper.

I didn’t realize how heavily racial the issue was until I started asking some people why they were so unhappy. The overwhelming responses were from McCain supporters who believed Obama won “just because he is black.” There is a scarily obvious factual issue with this belief; blacks comprise 13% of the electorate. Last time I checked the Constitution, 13% did not correlate with a majority needed to win the election. In fact, Washington D.C is the only state with a majority of blacks, meaning that voting strictly along racial lines would have yielded Obama exactly three electoral votes.

But let us assume that this data is irrelevant. What seemed to irk white students the most was the fact that “every single black kid in this school likes Obama, and most of them wouldn’t know why except that he is black. The same thing goes for this country.” At first, I wanted to argue that rural, uneducated voters have flocked to republicans in the past for simply the reason of tradition, and that there is likely about the same percentage of McCain supporters who voted against Obama because he was black. But then I realized that the significance of the election of Barack Obama to the black community is one that white students not only could not relate to, but simply could not understand.

We all remember the Reverend Wright fiasco; one hateful, unpatriotic, bitter preacher whom Barack Obama distanced himself from as soon as possible. Surely no one in this country is as unamerican as Wright. Right?


What white students do not understand is that the cynicism so venomously spouted by Reverend Jeremiah Wright is not unique. Dislike and distrust of our government is rooted within the African-American community, and has evolved into almost complete apathy in black youth.

I cannot say that I am immune to this sentiment. Being the son of two immigrants and being one myself, I was never taught at home to love America or to be patriotic. While I was told that America is the great melting pot and that all men are created equal, history lessons painted America a much different picture. The very foundation of America was due to the genocide of its natives, and its economy was formed on the shoulders of slaves from Africa. Every freedom given to minorities has had to be extracted through war or civil disobedience, and life has had to be lost for this nation to inch towards giving its citizens equal rights. While all men were created equal, the Constitution had proclaimed blacks as exactly 3/5 of whites until less than 150 years ago. Black history is still seen as a contribution to American history, not a part of it, and therefore warrants America’s celebration for only the month of February. Only 40 years ago, blacks were being hosed down in the streets and attacked by police dogs. If America was the land of the free and opportunity, then why did blacks have to fight for freedom? Is that not what George Washington fought for 200 years ago? It is now as if Washington’s army had fought for the freedom of white America, only to oppress its people even more viciously. Essentially, America’s history was that of the novel Animal Farm.

This is how I, a half-black non-American, felt about America. Imagine what blacks across America felt like. It explains the lack of African-Americans at the polls throughout history. Why participate in a government from which you must struggle to squeeze every ounce of its promises?

In young people, this acceptance of apathy led to an acceptance of unimportance. Except in sports, blacks felt they were not destined to become much of anything, and the most prominent influence in young black children’s lives were negative influences from the hip-hop culture. While whites would argue that this culture perpetuates negative stereotypes of blacks being poorly educated and criminally involved, this culture would have never arisen had whites throughout history not subjected blacks to inferiority.

This is why Barack Obama’s nomination as president was a moment many thought they would never see. Finally, a candidate they could relate to, would fight for them, and one would finally represent them in Washington had arisen. Blacks across the country were mobilized in numbers never seen before, and the youth of America came with them. Barack Obama carried approximately 95% of the African-American vote: educated, uneducated, old and young. It was beyond simple race; it was the emergence of hope for African-Americans.

I can see now why white children, born in the United States and decades removed from the nightmares of the 60’s, would see unheralded support for Obama as frustrating and naive. Some went as far as to call Obama supporters racist against blacks. But in fact, it is the history of racism that caused support for Obama among older blacks, and the coming forth of a long-awaited role model for the African-American youth. For most, it is a race far more important than politics. The messages of hope and “Yes We Can!” signify much, much more than what many believed was empty rhetoric. While white voters saw the linkage of Obama and Martin Luther King as despicable, that one cannot compare a politician and a selfless humanitarian, the black community finally saw a voice to lead itself out of long inactivity. Although saying that “most of blacks in the country support Obama only because he’s black” is inaccurate, white students my age simply do not have the perspective to understand the movement we are witnessing. “Change” meant a lot more than party politics for African-Americans in this election.

I admit, when I saw the crowd at Obama’s acceptance speech, an endless mix of all races and all ages, celebrating a common cause, my view of America fundamentally changed. Obama had broken a barrier that so many had seen and run away from, and its perception was perhaps a greater hindrance than its reality. In short, Barack Obama’s election means less to America’s history than it does its future. Obama has not just opened a door; he has thrown open the shutters to a world which many did not even comprehend as being theirs, too.

It is ironic that in a time of such crisis, policies mattered less to blacks than the candidates themselves. But it didn’t hurt that Obama’s policies won the vote of the other 87%, either.

The author's comments:
Although the topic is somewhat irrelevant now, I found this piece on my old computer and thought it might be an interesting one to share. I wrote it literally the moment I got home from school, and it is probably the most passionate article I have ever written.

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This article has 15 comments.

StarPrince12 said...
on Mar. 4 at 10:32 pm
StarPrince12, Edmond, Oklahoma
0 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't know how long this mortal life will be but I intend to live fully and without fear" <br /> - Rick Riordan

@Electricity I totally agree. People assuming Obama only won because he was black is downright racist

on Nov. 15 2011 at 10:38 pm
RumMonkey BRONZE, Sunny Side Somewhere, Other
4 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I dream I&#039;m on the surface of my own life, watching it unfold.&quot;

We can only hope.

on Jul. 28 2011 at 5:34 pm
RipponLeaEnergise BRONZE, Clayton, Other
1 article 4 photos 76 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;how wonderful it is that nobody has to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world&quot;<br /> <br /> Anne Frank

will racism ever end, like completely???

on Jul. 28 2011 at 2:33 am
TheAsianHeather SILVER, Wuhan, Other
6 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is no longer I that live,but Christ living in me.-The Apostle Paul

I'm glad that you see the United States the same way I do,as racist.And you,James,a non-American,can write English better than a lot of those real Americans!

on Mar. 18 2011 at 10:22 am
AliceinChains96 BRONZE, Sperryville, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I found this very interesting. We were talking about the civil rights movement in our class. It was scary and very unbelievable of what those people did to them. Our teacher had metioned a boy named Emmett Till she even showed us pictures, you couldn't even tell it was him he was beaten so badly. I am glad you posted this. The article was amazing:)

on Dec. 20 2010 at 6:25 pm
Kyle Tierney BRONZE, Marcellus, New York
2 articles 0 photos 89 comments
you seem to be forgetting the fact that most people dont like him simply because they hate is policies. Also, it was not a black thing it was a minority thing. He won an overwhelming majority in both blacks hispanics asians and every other minority

on Sep. 23 2010 at 10:59 am
Forbidden_Angel, Annapolis, Maryland
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Your future is based upon your past actions, the things you didn&#039;t do in your past will soon affect your future, to change and make a difference is left to you.

This is new and a more broad perspective to things.... but sad that its true I really love this article

on Sep. 1 2010 at 1:19 pm
madisong321 BRONZE, Albany, New York
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Great! This should have been published!!

LaughsAlone said...
on Apr. 23 2010 at 7:44 pm
I agree wih most of this :) Seriously, 'kids this days' tend to actually be into politics and know what they are talking about. I was happy Obama won because he seems like an honest man. I don't agree with all of his ideas but he's a family guy. The only thing I didn't agree with is that you seemed to generalize a bit by saying things like 'white kids' 'white children' and 'white students' when I really don't believe this was on alot of those kid's minds...I'm 'white' and I don't think race means anything about a person's personality. Neither do any other whites I might not have been generalizing, but just in case. :D

on Jan. 31 2010 at 9:43 pm
UndiscoveredStar GOLD, Spokane, Washington
16 articles 1 photo 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
My heart is my own but your free to change long as you can take all the hurt and troubles that come with it.

see when obama was elected in, a text message went around the school saying if your happy bout this wear white...if not wear black....i actually found it funny that the exact people that i thought would wear black did...

on Dec. 11 2009 at 7:52 am
peace_love_beauty PLATINUM, Florien, Louisiana
22 articles 35 photos 121 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalms 23:4

yeah, same here. i live in a very small town made up of mostly white republicans, but most are ignorant and racist and make jokes and are just downright cruel toward our president. and they also made fun of me for liking Obama and for my parents voting for him. my teacher was even preaching lies to the class about Obama being a terrorist and wanting muslims to rule the country and being downright racist! for days thats all my history teacher would talk about it. i am just glad that there are some people that went through what i went through

on Oct. 10 2009 at 4:39 pm
PurpleFeather BRONZE, Canton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 124 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The pen is mightier than the sword.&quot; - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

omw, evrything you mentioned is the exact same for me. i liked obama bc of what he planned 2 do with our country: so did my parents. i also live in a small, predominantly white town, where lots of ppl r ignorant. even though people say they don't like obama bc their republicans, whenever they talk about obam they have this relaly nasty look on their face and these are the same ppl making racist jokes so i kno there is a deeper reason

on Sep. 5 2009 at 2:22 am
Shadow5595 BRONZE, Linda Park, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
And so the Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb&lt;3....

Ok i liked this article because the same thing happened to me. I was in this position at my school too. I lived a small town and most of it was filled with ignorant people. Why are we divided into certain types why cant we just be people. My parents voted for Obama because we liked the descions he had planned not because the color of his skin.

on Aug. 5 2009 at 1:56 pm
Electricity PLATINUM, Bradenton, Florida
30 articles 0 photos 271 comments
okay, i'm surprised this wasn't published. i like it a lot, i can feel the passion. It is sad how this turned more to a racial voting. But kids, bleh, kids are emulating their parents. if the parents don't like Obama, the kids don't. If the parents do, the kids do. Sad, but it's true. Predominately, if you ask a child if he or she is a republican or democrat, and they say democrat, then the parents are democratic. Me, i form my own opinion. I research the candidates, watch BOTH republican and democratic news stations (specifically FOX and CNN), and my friends follow. That's how it should be. A lot of times, more religious (okay, okay, shoot me, i'm an open target for this >.<) people are republicans (gets shot xP). I know this because I was in a very very religious school, and 98% of the population was republican.

Sunshineyday said...
on Aug. 4 2009 at 9:01 pm
Obama was not elected just because he was black. I like that you made the point that even with 100% of the black vote, he could not win without some additional non-black votes. Obama won because more people liked him than liked McCain. Black Americans have every right to be excited, but as American's we should all be proud to take such a step away from the injustice of segregation.