Religion vs Sexuality | Teen Ink

Religion vs Sexuality

February 10, 2011
By Anonymous

OK so this topic is very heavy amongst my friends and family right now because I just came out about my sexuality. I am a lesbian, but I am a believer in the Christian faith. I did not ask to like girls nor did I choose to like them. It is natural for me.

I also have both male and female friends that are bisexual or lesbian/gay and because of their faith, they think that it is wrong. But the bible says "come as you are" and God meant that truly and honestly.

If this is who you are, stand up for who you are. Be who you were born to be. Religion is something that is believed, sexuality is something that is felt. Don't be afraid to be yourself and be who you are. Like one of my favorite quotes says: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

The author's comments:
I think that this is something that homosexual people everywhere that are also believers of faith need to know.

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