Stereotypes-Blondes Are Smart Too! | Teen Ink

Stereotypes-Blondes Are Smart Too!

December 21, 2012
By SoftballChic BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
SoftballChic BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What do you call a Blonde that dyes their hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

Yeah, yeah we have all heard them. All those funny jokes that pose blondes as dumb, stupid, or daffy. By the way, daffy means stupid or ignorant. HA! Bet you didn’t know that a blonde just told you that. Yes, my name is Shelby and the color of my hair is… blonde as a matter of fact. I’m a blonde… yet not stupid so why do people think that ALL blondes are stupid? The world may never know.

Well, I regret to inform you that being a stupid blonde is just a stereotype.

It’s a stereotype just like being asian and smart or a skateboarder and a drug addict. Honestly, I have “blonde moments”, but don’t we all? We have all had one of those days where we ask a question that was just asked or freak out over a missing pencil that we turned out to be grasping in our hand the whole time. But that’s what us humans do. We happily go about our lives filling our precious memories with embarrassing “blonde moments”.

And with those moments comes responsibility and small life lessons.

Life lessons such as pay attention to where you’re walking so you don’t run into that wall again or always have a spare tire because remember when we got stuck in the middle of nowhere? Who cares what the color of your hair is! Blondes make as many mistakes as brunettes or redheads, don't they? Our hair color is part of spirituality and culture not how much we know. I bet you about 3/4 of the blondes out there aren’t really blondes.

When asked her opinion on this topic,Haley (a blonde haired middle sachooler) says,”I’m blonde and I’m proud. I don’t care if people call me stupid because I’m blonde. I know it’s just a stereotype and I don’t care about what people say about me because I’m the only person who needs to believe in myself in order to succeed in life.”

AMEN HALEY! And may I just say, nowadays blonde is the way to be.

Being a teenager, I know that everything is about looks and who doesn’t like a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes or in other words, Barbie? Like I said, blonde is the way to be nowadays. All the movie stars, teen pop stars, and the models that fill our fantasies have blonde hair right? As a teenager you must be either the hunter or the hunted, and who want’s to be the hunted? I sure as heck don’t. Haven’t you ever seen a modern movie? Mean Girls? Bring It On? Most popular or mean girls in movies are blondes and those blondes, lets just say, aren’t the brightest bulbs in the pack.

Our whole lives we have discriminated ordinary people for the color of our hair. I ask you, why blondes? Why not brunettes? Being blonde does not mean being stupid so why not put a stop to this discrimination! ALL BLONDES UNITE!

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