Clothing Choices + Stereotypes = Why? | Teen Ink

Clothing Choices + Stereotypes = Why?

February 11, 2013
By alyangelite000 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
alyangelite000 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Who said I'm different, I am completely normal.

'Why am I just another classification?' or maybe even, 'They do not know me, so why do they
judge me?' Stereotyping is an issue because the majority of suicides are due to people categorizing innocent people how they see fit. Stereotypes hurt, so why do we use them? Do we want to be just another label? Our society does not need them, just like we do not need to be trillions of dollars in debt. So, why do we use them? The point is so we will not waste our time with “An emo fag,” like them.

We should put ourselves into the shoes of a person wearing all black one day, most likely that
person would be called emo, goth, weird, or creepy. Does the surplus population really believe in these useless, harmful, or just down right hurtful. Just because somebody wears all black one day does not mean that they are a goth. If you are stereotyped as emo, for example, people would say hurtful remarks such as, “Does the little emo cut?” or “How about you go kill yourself emo,” Most likely the person we make remarks at, are the innocent people that like dressing a certain way. These poor people go through this torture to the point of believing these awful lies that have been fed to them.

Most of our families or loved ones have told us not to discriminate, and to be kind towards
others. If we were raised to value friendship, why are we going against our values to fit in, or to make somebody feel bad about themselves? Our parents tell us to stay true to ourselves, and to fight for what we believe in. But, we should ask ourselves this, if we believe in helping out others, and to get to know them, why do we sit around and do nothing?

We can do plenty of things to stop this, but the most important is getting to know people. It may seem hard because it may ruin reputations, but the old saying is, Treat others the way you want to be treated. If we are worried what our “friends” think, we should not be, because if they do not like who we socialize with, they were never our real friends. If people are being stereotypical ask them this,

“Have you ever talked to them, do you know their life?” and set them straight. They are human beings too, they have feelings, we should treat them like it. We should stop treating them different because of their diversity.

In conclusion, stereotypes hurt people and we classify them, so we do not have to know them.

We should always remember that one person will always make a difference. The important people in our lives have taught us better than this, and we should imagine ourselves as the victim of stigma. If we all put our heads together, we can rise against the stigmas, and make the world a better place. We will take this world one stigma at a time.

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