Social Discrimination | Teen Ink

Social Discrimination

September 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Social Discrimination
Many years ago, a man by the name of Martin Luther King Jr. spoke, inspiring a nation. Inspiring a nation to believe in the idea of equality. And even though since then, there have been many social improvements, including the disappearance of segregation, social discrimination is still prevalent. It maybe not be as visually obvious to the naked eye, but if you really look, you can see it in everyday life. One example of this is how many people are still racist towards African-Americans. In some areas this is more prevalent than others. One example of this is the southern states of the U.S. Even though the civil war ended over 150 years ago, many white people still have underlying feelings towards black men that shouldn’t exist. But, black men aren’t the only social group that are discriminated by another social group. Another group of people that are discriminated are Native Americans. A large group of people discriminate Native Americans. Some of the false descriptions associated with them are they’re all red or brown skinned, and they can’t make a living for themselves. Even though Native Americans were living in America before most people, they’re still falsely descripted. But African-Americans and Native Americans aren’t the only groups of people who are discriminated. Another group of people who are discriminated are Asians, or Asian-Americans. A common assumptions with Asians are that they are all nerds to study 24/7. Like all stereotypes, it starts with one guy starting rumors. Another stereotype with Asians is that they can’t see because their eyes are small. This isn’t true at all. All racial groups are stereotyped, but some worse than others. For example, although white people discriminate lots of people, they aren’t discriminated as much as the others, just because there’s more of them than others. Social discrimination must end, and all groups of people must unite and lookout for eachother.

The author's comments:
I want people to stop discriminating.

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