bullying | Teen Ink


February 14, 2014
By josiahthebosss BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
josiahthebosss BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

Your magazine has inspired me. I love the way you choose the best articles, letters and stories that make your magazine so great. I think I have a way to make this magazine even better than it is already.
Your magazine needs to have happier and funnier articles, because most teenagers don't want to know about all the bullies out there in the world. We like funny things that happen at school. On page 10 of the 25 years Teen Ink article. The article is depressing and sad. I think there is too many of them in this magazine. With all the bullies out there we need something to cheer both the people that have been bullied and the people that have not been bullied.
Although I think you should still have articles on victims of bullies. Just not as many as there is in the previous articles of Teen Ink. I hope you strongly consider making Teen Ink a better magazine.



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