Possible way to solve Discrimination? | Teen Ink

Possible way to solve Discrimination?

April 27, 2014
By Kuzco BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Kuzco BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Believe you can and you are halfway there.

How do we stop discrimination? Stop teaching it. It sounds so simple but if you were to tell this to a school, they would have to stop teaching American History. The first thing kids are hit with when schools start teaching is how America was discovered. Right away learning about Native Americans and basically how they were killed off. Which sounds extreme but it is true. The next thing is often slavery. Right away kids are told that back in the day white was good and colored was bad. If we tell them this they will take that to the world today because they still racism today and will just let it be because it’s a part of American history (sadly). It’s like history books are planting a seed and it just keeps growing. We don’t know why we see racism or discrimination but it’s simply because we keep teaching it. On top of that most of the comedy today is just jokes based on discrimination. There’s a racist joke and sexist joke here and there and nobody seems to care because well, they’ve read their history books and know all the stereotypes that come with a certain race or sex. Now sex/gender is also a huge issue in discrimination. For years we learn about American history and who has most of the power through the developing of America or really any country? Men. It has always been men in our history book and yeah there are sections for women rights but it’s all the same women in every book and they’re all famous. Giving the message to most teenage girls that in order to make a difference their name has to be known. For years and years women are treated with disrespect as if it’s normal all because it’s in our history book. I mean there are facts that show the unfairness still in this world between men and women. For example more women have been killed than men in war (20th century) just for being women. That’s outrageous. So if we were to stop teaching history what would we teach? I think that’s the easiest part! We teach that the history of the white man being more powerful than any colored man or any woman is wrong and nobody is ever better just because of skin color or because of sex. But me saying that, it’s just a dream every good person has. It seems to be impossible to get that message across and the only way would be a fresh start in a new world. Maybe in the future we start teaching kids how to make differences by reading up on Current events and some how… some how get it in their head that history is history, it stays in the past, we are not supposed to keep it cycling.

The author's comments:
People always talk about how bad discrimination is but for some people it's not their fault that they assume things because it's either been in their family history or because they read it in a history book. Sometime's it's nobody's fault, it's just the environment that they are born into.

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