Should gay marriage be legalized in the USA? | Teen Ink

Should gay marriage be legalized in the USA?

February 16, 2015
By koalabear13 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
koalabear13 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Favorite Quote:
Happiness can be found in the darkest of places, if one only remembers to turn on the light. - Albus Dumbledore

A major problem in our society, is the decision of legalizing gay marriage. Since already 36 out of 50 states have legalized gay marriage, the question still remains, does gay marriage has positive or negative outcomes in our everyday lives? Some say that gay marriage goes against all tradition and has a negative aspects on children's lives when living in a homosexual household. Others say that gay marriage isn’t any different from heterosexual marriage and should be encouraged, because it helps you live a healthy lifestyle. When we look deeper into this complicated topic, we see that neither side is wrong because, gay marriage has both positives and negatives. While there may be some negatives that come with gay marriage, studies have proven to have far more positive outcomes of homosexual matrimony. So, gay marriage should be legal because it provides psychological and physical benefits, gay people have a legal right to be married, and no one should be discriminated against if they are homosexuals because we are all humans and should be treated as equals.

One of the many benefits for gay marriage,is it provides psychological and physical benefits. The American Psychological Association ( is dedicated to providing the cold hard facts on how gay marriage has a positive influence on people’s health. A quote from one of their articles states that, “Gay marriage provides both physical and psychological health benefits, and banning gay marriage increases rates of psychological disorders.” This means that gay marriage can help you live a healthy and happy life! You may be thinking that children need a mother and a father to have a stable home, but as long as their parents love them that’s all they need! If kids have homosexual parents, since gay marriage provides psychological benefits, their parents will be more loving and will be better role models for their children.  

Another aspect on how gay marriage should be legal in the US, is that homosexuals have the legal right to be married. Peter Strauss is a professor at Cornell University Law School ( and has done an abundance of research on how the constitution affects everyday families.  A paper written by him says, “The Due Process Clause in both the Fifth and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution states that no person shall be ‘deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." This means, that homosexuals are being treated unjustly according to what our country is built off of (the Constitution). We all say that we live in a free country, but we aren’t living in a free country if we keep treating homosexuals or anyone this way! How would you feel if you had the legal right to do something, but the whole world is telling you that you can’t? Wouldn’t you want to show them that you can make a difference?

No one should be discriminated against if they are homosexuals because we are all humans and should be treated equally. MSNBC ( wrote an article on how homosexuals are being treated unfairly and it states, “It serves only to hurt, to discriminate, to deprive same-sex couples and their families of equal dignity, to label and treat them as second-class citizens, and to deem them unworthy of participation in one of the fundamental institutions of our society.” MSNBC (Microsoft National Broadcasting Company) is a very well know site, that provides you with only the highest of quality articles to show us that gay marriage should be legal. They are trying to tell everyone that we are treating others like garbage just because of who they love. How would you feel if you really loved someone and you couldn’t get married because of what other people said? Wouldn’t you be mad if complete strangers were deciding how your life would be, instead of being able to decide for yourself?

As we comprehend all of this evidence, we see that gay marriage isn’t bad and helps us in many ways. It provides psychological and physical benefits, which improves your health. We also shouldn’t treat homosexuals like second-class citizens and start treating them like equals. Everyone has a right to live their own lives and we shouldn’t be allowed to take that freedom away from anyone. We don’t have to stand by watching this happen, you can stand up for what’s right and make a difference in the world. Don’t you want to live in a place where everyone is treated equal? You live in this world, and you can change it for the better. So, start treating everyone with kindness and make everyone feel like they are wanted. If you do that, this country and world will be a better place and it all starts with you!

The author's comments:

I hope that everyone realizes that we have to make a difference in the world and treat everyone equaly!

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