The Human Judgement | Teen Ink

The Human Judgement

January 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Everyone on this world is judged. From kids who wear all black to the kids who love the color pink. Hey look, there's that wierd emo kid, or look there's the popular sissy girl. No matter who there's a story behind them. There's reasons why they are who they are, yet no one takes the time to actually think about the person theirself, and not by clouded judgement.

What we hear is not always the truth. What we say are sometimes over exaggerated. When you judge someone, maybe your envious of a person's attitude, so you find every fault that you can think of. Their outfits too tight, or clothes too low. No matter what they do it's going into the image that you put them into. Break out of that thought! Break free of that peircing veil that you set that person on. You don't have to talk to them, but stop and uncloud your thoughts to see the truth behind them.

As simple as seeing a person behave in a way that you would never behave is where you mind can always be clouded. A shy person might judge an loud person just for being outgoing because that peron knows they have troubles with being heard. I admit that's where I start judging people. I forget who they are, and I get a little jealous so I find every little fault I want them to have. Yet, when I took the that viel of jealousy off, I became friends with that person making me feel so ashamed of myself.

Don't go mindlessly judging as you please, your mind is clouded with judgement on how a person acts, much less dresses, and that's not their REAL personality. I'm not saying go out of your way to become friends with them but the less we judge the better off everyone is.

The author's comments:

I hoped people would stop, and take a second to think about getting to know a person instead judging them. I've been judged so many times, and most of them aren't close to my real personality. It's not fair to be judged when the people judging haven't walked a  mile in your shoes.

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