April 16, 2018
By Anonymous

LGBT, a topic that was a controversy from hundreds of years ago still has a conflict today.

It has been allowed in most country but in the world, there are still more than 60 countries that banned LGBT. They think that having same-sex is something that is against religion. In some countries, being LGBT can lead you to an execution or death. I think this problem must be changed because everyone deserves to be who they are and what they want.

First of all, I want to tell you a story of me. When I was in AMIS, the idea of being gay was something that was not accepted at that time. When I told everyone I was gay, I got a very horrible reaction from them. Then, they start to treat me terribly.They gave me nicknames like  ‘Gay Wh*re’. And they made me felt horrible about myself.

I was depressed.

Until I found out that I am movings school. I was really happy. However, I still have that nightmare with what happens when I tell them I was gay. Influenced by that, I kept it as a secret until I found out being gay is something normal in this school. Now, I can be who I am in school.

I strongly believe that people around the world should be able to get the privilege I have now as to be who they are.  Human is allowing to be what sex they are and no one can say no to that according to a lot of people. “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or another status”( human rights).  This tells me here that human has the right to be gay or homosexual without judging or death.

Even Though the state of the human right has been made to a lot of countries that legalized gay, they still think have a same-sex relationship is wrong.Take Singapore as an example.   “Male gay sex remains a crime, although the government has, for its part, promised not to “harass gays” or proactively enforce the now infamous section 377A of the penal code” (Singapore LGBT rights).The way that the government says that they won't do it but they still keep going.

In my own opinion, I think the Singapore government is kinda funny. You promised to people that you won’t harass them anymore but you will still keep it as a crime. When are you gonna let the homosexual people be free I wonder?

In deeper cases, We will find a country like Iran or Sudan where if you are bisexual, you have to be imprisoned. “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in South Sudan face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Male same-sex sexual activity is illegal and carries a penalty of up to ten years' imprisonment” ( South Sudan right).This basically says that being gay is like a killer and must go to jail.

I think the LGBT people should have their own right to be who they are because everyone has their own right to be what they want. Other countries should acknowledge that and start fixing them self.

The way people have been treating the LGBT people are unacceptable. I can't believe a human can do that to another. When they make people go to jail or get a charge because the gender they want to be. That isn’t something we should be doing. I hope the world would change their perspective on this and start knowing what is wrong and what is right.

The author's comments:

So I am a gay person myself and I understand the discrimination of the LGBT community. they get attack by everyone. Even the government hate them so I want my article to be up so people will understand what is happening now and they might help us. 

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