taken by the wind | Teen Ink

taken by the wind

October 28, 2019
By Dog_Lover_101 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Dog_Lover_101 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A harsh breeze cascades through the branches of a tree, ripping a leaf from it’s branch and carrying it away. The leaf lands in a pile of dirt, only to be chased away by the rough blast of a leaf blower. It slams against the face of a young human. Who, in return, tears part of the leaf, ravaging it’s lime green color. The leaf is thrown onto the ground. It’s brilliant lime green color has faded into a brown, and it’s edges have wilted and become crisp. The leaf lies there, torn and tattered, until the wind snatches it up again.

The author's comments:

when i was writing this set peice, i was trying to take if from the leaf's perspective of being blown away. i was stuggling to find something to write, and a leaf had fallen of the tree i was sitting near. it landed on my paper and i threw it away, and someone stepped on it. i decided to write something from a leafs perspective once i saw this.

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