Our Charity Garden | Teen Ink

Our Charity Garden

April 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Our Charity Garden
Last week my neighbors and I decided to make a decision to help the environment, but also the people suffering from Leukemia and Lymphoma. The seven of us planted a garden in the middle of all our houses to improve so many aspects of our lives.
First, to keep the plants healthy and growing, we had a meeting regarding the garden. In this meeting we had a discussion about what produce would be grown in this garden, the necessities a garden requires and how they would be accomplished, and if we could create a difference in someone’s life by helping a charity. At this meeting my brother and his friend came up with the idea to grow various plants and vegetable and sell them. They suggested we could set up a stand at the local farmer’s market a mile down the road and donate our profit to charity. Among the group the idea was a success and we all designed a plan to take care of the plants, to create a stand for the market, and getting the money to a charity we all agreed on.
My mom was diagnosed with Lymphoma four years ago and my family decided to do their part and stated our tradition of running in Team in Training Marathons. To keep this tradition each runner has to collect enough money for a certain cancer. My neighbors decided to help as well by donating to my cousins’ marathon fund through our profit at the farmer’s market. We also decided each of us would have certain days to take care of our garden including: strawberries, raspberries, peppers, cucumbers, basil, and mint. Finally, we started making a suitable stand for the farmer’s market we would attend every Thursday of this summer.
Although we were excited to start our garden we knew it wouldn’t be an easy task. We got started right away, but my neighbor produced another idea, composting. By putting compost in our garden it would improve the plants growth which therefore would increase the earnings going towards charity. Now the garden is improving the environment by the compost decreasing trash and fertilizing soil and the produce creating a healthier atmosphere. Now we just had to put the effort in and watch it succeed.
Overall, this garden created an accomplishment in three ways: Improving the environment, Helping find a cure to cancer, and building strong friendships and responsibility. We haven’t seen this garden succeed, but I can’t wait till we do and improve the entire society as a whole.

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This article has 1 comment.

maryhalkens said...
on May. 5 2013 at 10:24 pm
great story:)