Our World | Teen Ink

Our World

March 22, 2016
By adbrankle SILVER, Elm Grove, Wisconsin
adbrankle SILVER, Elm Grove, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My world is a small speck, and me smaller than a particle of that speck. Every day I ask myself what’s so special about me? Every day I come up with the same answer. Absolutely nothing. I could die and the universe would stay unchanged, the sun would still shine, flowers would bloom in the spring, the grass would turn green with out me, so why me? Maybe your still expecting me to answer that and my answer is simple. I don’t understand. If I take a step back and look at the big picture I still don’t understand, I fear I will never understand. There are questions we all ask ourselves. Did Jesus really walk on water? Why am I not a starving abused child on the streets? Why are we here? In this vast universe what purpose could we possible serve? I wish someone, anyone would enlighten me. That is impossible. No one knows. No one will ever know. Their is beauty in the fact we are all the same in this way. People will pretend to have all the answers but really there just as lost as everyone else. Just as confused about our existence. People believe that the thought of life after death is the reason our world isn’t chaos. I disagree. Empathy and compassion those are the reasons people are good. For these reasons we donate our time and money. For these reasons we watch an abused animal commercial and we feel our heart hurt for just a moment. This isn’t because of divine intervention it’s just innate. It’s who we are as a race. Now I’m not saying there aren’t outliers, trust me there are. We hear horror stories all the time and those stories are the reasons we find it hard to trust. We’re all hypocrites about trust though. We trust people everyday. For example when you drive on the road you trust many people. When you go on an airplane or ride the bus you trust them. Yet, seeing someone who looks, dresses, or speaks different than us makes us clutch our wallets and purses just a little harder. I find it odd that this is the world we live in. Yet every day I can see we live on an earth made up of paradoxes.

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