Global Warming | Teen Ink

Global Warming

May 18, 2016
By Anonymous

As we grow older, global warming keeps happening due to the growth of  industrial companies. Do most people know what’s happening to our earth? Probably yes, but do most of us do something about it ? Probably no. Global warming has been a recent topic most people talk about in today’s world problems.  All of us are contributing to some type of global warming every day;however, we can do something to avoid it.

Last year on December 12th in Paris, all of the countries got together to talk about how we can reduce climate change and global warming. They came up with a solution but it’s still not enough. They said we have to limit global warming to 2? or less. If 2? is not kept low, we are going to consequence the problems we made on this Earth.(Sumner). The great barrier reef corals have been bleached , some locations in Africa are too hot to live in, a “continent” full of trash, sea levels are rising, an increasing amount of pollution keeps occurring, icebergs keep melting and population keeps growing. “Studies show that the average temperature of the Earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 °C over the past 100 years.”(Livescience) Is there something we can clean up after our damage?

Let’s start with the trash in the sea. As soon as summer time comes, families go to the beach, bring plastic bags, plastic water bottles and anything they can find at home. After you’ve had a little fun at the beach, all of your trash is left behind. It’s left behind and all of your trash,along with other peoples are suddenly floating around in the ocean. A little fish comes by and think it’s food, so it eats it thinking it’s food. This is how we are polluting the marine life and damaging poor animals. It has gotten to a point where there is a “continent” full of trash. There is something called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is named like that because it’s full of trash from the west coast of North America to Japan. The amount of trash that is there is mostly imperishable, meaning that it can’t be broken down easily and it last forever.  According to the National Geographic Society, ‘20% of debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes from boaters, offshore oil rigs, and large cargo ships that dump or loose debris directly into the water. The majority of this debris—about 705,000 tons—is fishing nets. More unusual items, such as computer monitors and LEGOs, come from dropped shipping containers’ (Turgeon).  Everyday we are throwing more trash into the sea because our landfills are overflowing. A way we can help out is just simply, clean up after yourselfs. It doesn’t take a million years to clean up your own trash.

Second, the coral bleaching happening today is because of lower sea levels. The Great Barrier Reef is caused by carbon dioxide pollution and it’s associated with a decline in calcium carbonate, which coral use to make their tough sheaths. That’s weakening coral reefs around the world, making them more vulnerable to impacts of ocean warming and water pollution, according to climate central. This is very bad to the corals although it would take some time to bring them back to their color if this stops. “Extensive aerial surveys and dives have revealed that 93 percent of the world's largest reef has been devastated by coral bleaching. The culprit has been record-warm water driven by El Niño and climate change that has cooked the life out of corals. (Kahn) . Marine life has been overruned by the sudden changes in climate. Therefore, the only way to stop this from getting worse is, to stop, and think about what other ways you can reduce the energy in your school, home and everywhere you go. For example, you can unplug your charger off the outlet when you’re not using since it’s just wasting power and you might be increasing 10-15¢ on your electricity bill. Even if it is just something small, you still make a big difference in the world.

Lastly, population has been an issue as well. The more people we make the more damage we do. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have babies or kill anyone, I just want everyone to think before you do something. Deforestation is horrible, it just increases global warming because the trees are the ones that absorb carbon dioxide and make oxygen for us. Whether it’s leaving the faucet on while washing your teeth or really needing to take your car two blocks away from your home. Humans are the cause why we have global warming;however, some scientist believe that “any increase in global temperatures could be a natural climate shift” (CEF). “Al Gore predicted that all Arctic ice would be gone by 2013.  But, on contrary Arctic ice is up by 50% since 2012.” (CEF) The Arctic ice is now slowly melting because of global warming and polar bears are at a risk of extinction. People should really see what’s happening in the Arctic and other places in the world where global warming is having a huge impact on them. We can all do something to help end global warming.

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