I Will Never | Teen Ink

I Will Never

October 8, 2018
By Anonymous

I will never give one hundred percent of my heart away. People take advantage of whatever they receive even if it is not theirs to receive. Trust is supposed to be earned but in this world there are so many people walking around with stolen hearts that they had broken. These people are evil, dirty people who did not really deserve that trust; they had just made it seem as if they could earn it.

I will never share all of my past, because only I can experience it. I have gone through events that many would not understand. My past is my own and it is unknown to everyone else.

I will never share the memories I had with my long lost friend with anyone else. It is something I will forever hold between him and I. My best friend may be gone but those pauses on his smile, the sweat dripping from his hair, the warmth of his hug, his silly face through the phone, are something only my brain will hold. I will never have the relationship I had with Bails with anyone who will ever cross paths with me and that is the truest statement I will ever say in my life.

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