Sports Hurt Relationships | Teen Ink

Sports Hurt Relationships

October 29, 2018
By giy BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
giy BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Readers:

My best friend plays football for our school and he had a girlfriend who played field hockey for the school too. They dated for like six months and then they split up. When I asked him why, he told me that they ended because they weren't spending much time together and they he focus on football the and not on her. Well, he got mad because she did the same thing to him. When you play sports its takes a lot of time out of a teen’s day and he/she does not have time for a relationship. The teen has to go to school and go to practice and then do homework and by the weekend they just want to relax and not do anything. They would focus on sports then on you and you feel like you can't be compared to sports.

Sports can hurt a relationship because the athlete could end up focusing more in the sport then on his significant other. One reason is that is the athlete could plan a date then having to cancel because he has practice. Then your significant other would feel like sports are better than her. Another reason is that  might like sports more than the significant other. For instance, the athlete will hang out with teammates more than with the significant other. The significant other might get jealous and dump him. NCBI says “ relationships in this stage may be characterized by jealousy or conflict would affect an athlete's performance” (Reis and Aron).

Your friends will have to be compared to sports. For example,you get a offer from a D1 college, and your friend didn't. Then you might focus on the sport more than hanging out with your friend. When you are on a NFL team you would stop hanging out with your friends if you were a professional and you would hang out with the guys on your team. According to NCBI ¨that athletes focus more on the outcome then on their friends¨ (Birrer and morgan).
This means that they would focus on being a professional than on being a good friend. Some may say that that sports can’t hurt your relationship because then you would get time away from them but that's not true because more time away could hurt because you would never see them and then it would end bad like your relationship could end.

Athletes will focus on sports more than on their spouse and that their spouse can be compared to sports.  There is a lot of ways sports hurt a relationship and there is also a lot of reason that sports bring relationships together. If you stopped focusing on sports and more on your spouse a lot of good things will happy like she would be happier that you are spending more time with her and you would be happier because she won't be yelling at you the whole time. Wouldn't you want a healthy relationship with your spouse and if you have kids, would they like now much you and your spouse getting along.



Guy A, C.

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