Human Relationships | Teen Ink

Human Relationships

October 29, 2018
By jamesjadan BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
jamesjadan BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear readers:  

A human relationship is the relation between two people. For example, human relationships can be between parent and child, girlfriend and boyfriend, student and teacher, and between friends. Human relationships are the foundation in which we exist, from when we come into the world to when we leave, we need human relationships in order to survive. They can cause us to feel many emotions like happy or sad. People crave human relationships which is a natural inclination due to the fact that it can make people feel better about themselves and raise happiness levels.

People crave human relationships because they seek companionship; therefore, teenagers should not be discouraged from dating. For instance, being loved makes people feel better about themselves which can boost their self-esteem because they have a finer opinion of themself as a person. In addition, the fulfillment of the desire to be loved enhances people's happiness levels, so when you are loved by someone you are more likely to be happy due to the constant attention.Some would say that they don't associate with people, therefore they don't crave any type of human relationship. However, when you meet someone and you match their personality it will increase your level of happiness. For example, according to Psychology Today, “we greatly desire relationships because they increase our confidence and self-esteem” (Wilson). Additionally, meeting someone new can build up your character and form you into a better, more assured, person.

Another reason people crave human relationships is because humans have a natural urge to be loved. For example, people feel the need to have someone care about them because having someone care about you means they care about your well being which makes you feel important. Furthermore, friends can show love and support by being there for you when you are going through a tough time or just for life lessons which can make someone feel as if they need friends to be happy. For instance, Psychology Today’s “Craving connection” states that when making new human connections we are motivated to meet people by using our developing social skills (Wilson). Therefore, when someone meets or is introduced to someone new it then gives them the confidence to venture out or be more extroverted.

In conclusion, the increase of one's happiness level and feeling more fulfilled with yourself is why people crave human relationships and that is natural. Human relationships are natural ways you can grow as a person. When you have relationships with people it can increase the amount of friends you have and increases your well being by fulfilling the loneliness in your life. What is the reason why you crave human relationships?



Jada J.

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