My Friends | Teen Ink

My Friends

May 11, 2019
By aisha_zia_shameer BRONZE, Doha, Other
aisha_zia_shameer BRONZE, Doha, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always keep your face towards the sunshine. And the shadows will fall behind you

- Walt Whitman

“We are best friends and nothing, no distance will ever change that. I will call you every day whether you like it or not, and I will visit every chance I get” having said this my best friend, Leah and I started crying and we hugged each other goodbye. Leah and I met in kindergarten and from then, we were inseparable. We ate together, watched movies together, cried and laughed together. Those were the best times of my life until I had to switch schools. When I heard that I would not be in the same school as Leah, I was devastated. My parents assured me that we would visit Leah and her family every week. They kept their promise. We went there every week. However, things started changing. She was always busy and had so many friends to talk to. We became distant. From talking for an entire day, we went to talking once a week to 5 minutes to no talking at all. Eventually even I lost interest in talking to her.

 In year 6, I was lonely. I had plenty of friends but none at the same time. I even became a part of a very popular group in my school, I knew that plenty of girls would have died to be in my shoes. I felt great, or at least I thought I did. We were a group of seven and I was the odd one out, an outcast. I tried to become one of them and slowly, I changed. A lot. Then, one day, I decided that I was tired of pretending to be someone who I was not. That was the end of another friendship.

I then found Dana and Aliyah. They were these extremely weird goofy people. In no time, we became best friends. This time I could really be myself. We were always together, we had each other’s backs, we laughed at pointless things until our stomachs would hurt and we had billions of inside jokes. It was great. After a long summer, Year 8 began, and I was beyond excited to meet Dana and Aliyah. I ran upto them and gave each of them a tight hug. They sat together and I took the seat In front of them. We were laughing at something, as usual. “Is it cool if I sit here?” a voice asked. “Umm, yeah okay sure.” I answered. I looked up to see a tall pretty girl. She said her name was Rae. We became friends because I sat with her. And I am so thankful I did. Soon, we all became friends. Our little group would have been incomplete without her. We are best friends until now. And I know I can count on these three goofballs anytime. And I know I will be there for them anytime they want. We still have our little fights and dramas but the truth is we cannot live without each other.

The author's comments:

I love writing and this is the first time I am submitting any of my works to any magazine. This article is very special because it is about my friends. They have been and they are an incredible part of my life and I do not know what I would do without them.

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