Soulmates | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By Mariamne BRONZE, Watsonville, California
Mariamne BRONZE, Watsonville, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did you know that many people think about soulmates as something meaningful? Soulmates love each other and won't break the soul tie.

My thoughts on soulmates are that it's very “awwww” in a way but it's also sad since some people don't have soulmates. Soulmates for me is a little I don't know ehh feeling since if you think about it's good but then bad. Many things could happen in that relationship of soulmates one could die and where would the person's soulmate be? Dead. It's cute when they grow old and stay loyal to each other. Something that bothers me is when young people say they are soulmates but end up breaking up. 

In conclusion, to inform people, these are my thoughts about soulmates. Other people might think otherwise about my thoughts and opinions. Some might think the same, it's all about what one believes in. 

The author's comments:

Something about this piece is that it's my thought nothing from the web or no AI was used. Something about me is that I'm very iffy with people and partners since nowadays there's a lot of cheating in relationships. 

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