My Brothers | Teen Ink

My Brothers

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

Dear Diary,

Today I was asked to write about family. As a senior in high school about to graduate, I wanted to think deeper about this topic. Of course there are those I am related to by blood, but that wasn’t deep enough for me. So I decided to write about those who have been there for me since I moved to Wisconsin eight years ago. I decided to write about the boys I could tell anything to, and the ones who have been there for me since the beginning. I decided to write about my best friends—no, my brothers. 

I thought back to when I very first moved to Wisconsin, and all I had was soccer. No friends right away because it was before school had started. I was nervous, yet excited because soccer was what I loved. 

Right away, a little boy with short curly hair named Logan came up to me and said hi. Little did I know at that time he would be one of my best friends from then to even now. I would end up moving to his middle school after I was done with elementary school with the main reason being because my best friend was there. But then it happened again.

 I was in a new setting with brand new kids nervous to say much. But then it happened again. Jairo came up to me on my way to my advanced Spanish class and the first thing he said was, “Say something in Spanish.” With a hispanic background I felt the need to impress him with my Spanish abilities. I realized I did just fine after he laughed and nodded with approval. There was an instant connection. 

Then there was Beckett. My oaf of a best friend who I know will never leave my back. He has been my best friend since I moved here as well. We met through a mutual friend at a family gathering and ever since then he has been there for me for anything.

So diary you may be wondering why I decided to write about these guys in particular. Well, the reason is pretty obvious I’d say. It comes from what everyone says when you go into high school. 

“Friends come and go.”

Yet these “friends” never left. They have been with me since day one. They have been there to talk whenever I needed it. No matter what it was about. If it was about my parents, love, soccer, or sadness. They were all there. Everytime. We are able to sit at a restaurant for hours talking about everything. With these guys I know anytime I am in trouble they will be there. 

Even now, as an 18 year old young man, I still find them having my back when even the whole world is against us. At the time of meeting these guys I didn’t realize the impact they would have on my life. But I now know I am lucky. I am lucky to have found the friends, the brothers, who will never leave my side. They are my family. They are my home.

The author's comments:

This is an essay about what family means to me. 

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