The Unwrappable Gift | Teen Ink

The Unwrappable Gift

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

Gifts are often portrayed as something one is meant to unwrap or unbox. As fun as it is to get to do that, how meaningful are they really? Yes, many may have a heartfelt message to them or mean something very significant in their lives, but there's just so much more that can be given emotionally rather than physically. Why push yourself constantly just to gain something physical once again? For me myself, I would easily prefer something as simple as an act of pride from my family rather than a physical gift. Knowing how they are feeling towards me rather than getting me something and leaving it as that personally means so much more. 

The acts of pride and excitement that I get to see coming from my family when I do something, even if it's small, fulfills me in ways that a physical gift or act cannot. In a way, no matter what I do, no matter how I do it, no matter my grade, if I work hard and do what I can do to the best of my abilities, then they will be proud of me. That's what I feel means the most to me. They see that I’m trying and even if I’m not proud of myself in certain circumstances, they reassure me that I should be, especially when it comes to me pushing myself. My mom would often tell me that it’s ok to make mistakes, especially since I was the first born child just like the first pancake in a batch of pancakes made, a little messed up or different. I always look at it as a joke since that's simply what it is without malice. She tends to use that as a reminder that not everyone is perfect and everything will be harder before it gets easier. To become better at the areas in which you wanna work on, you must be ascertained, simple as that. Now is it really that simple though? Motivation is something that anyone can work towards. Feeling exalted is one way to push harder and harder towards something you really want or feel that you need. Life isn’t as easy as a simple gust of wind. We don’t run into one obstacle and then it’s over. We are just a tree in a forest of many. Yeah we’re all human, but we don’t all look the exact same. Some of us are shorter while others are taller. Some may be older while others are younger. I feel however I am portrayed. I know I’m kind and easy to talk to, just because I’ve been told it multiple times. The same goes for the feeling of pride. Without having someone there for you to show that they are proud, it can be very hard to find the pride within ourselves.

Whether it’s in actions or words, going the length of showing how proud one really is promotes better thinking in both cases. When being proud of someone or something is well known, it gives everything needed to continue on that path, to that individual. Even if I were to be disappointed in myself but my parents showed an act of pride, it would provide a fulfilling feeling for both my heart and mind.

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