Thanks | Teen Ink


December 31, 2014
By Anonymous

I don’t know what I did to make you do this to me; I gave you all my love. I sucked it up when you threw the daggers at me and kept my head up high. The few times I tripped, you let me fall hard and asked why I even did that. I’ve given this my all, and you’ve repaid me with half the love. When I contemplated life and cried like I would never cry again, you simply let it happen. I gave you my heart, and you’ve poked it and prodded it like it was some kind of dead animal. I know that I’m broken; I know I’m not perfect. I recognize my mistakes and walk on from them with new lessons learned. You’ve dragged me down though, after everything I’ve done, to the point where now I have to write these words. You’ll never know how much you’ve hurt me, after all if I tell you you’ll rage at me, and if I don’t tell you you’ll hate me for it. We’ve each got our issues, but you forced yours onto my heart, something that I would’ve gladly accepted and tried to fix but you looked down on me when I tried to do so. There’s so much I still want to say to you; I love you more than words will ever be able to express. You were my first love, and I thought that I’d have you forever. Thank you for all of the amazing memories you gave me and thank you for your love when you meant it. Thank you for the gifts, the smiles, the laughs, for holding me when I needed it. Thank you for formerly me loving me, and thanks a lot for breaking my heart. 

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