Journey of the Man on the Moon | Teen Ink

Journey of the Man on the Moon

March 15, 2024
By Anonymous

          In 2009, an up-and-coming artist named Kid Cudi dropped an album called Man on the Moon: The End of Day. Cudi set himself apart from any other hip-hop artist with him creating a new unique sound that no one has heard of. 15 years later fans have been enjoying this album since its release with new listeners discovering it daily. 

          In total this album has 2,666,961,021 streams. It debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 and sold 104,000 in the first week of its release. It is now two-times platinum certified and was nominated for three Grammy awards. Rolling Stone has ranked it 459 on their list of 500 greatest albums of all time. This is a big achievement considering how many albums there are in the world. It was a hit release and received many good reviews from critics and fans. 

           The album has production from well-known producers like Emile Haynie, Plain Pat, Jeff Bhasker, Dot da Genius, and another all-time great, Kanye West. This gives a reason for Kanye fans to listen to an album produced by one of their favorite artists. Man on The Moon also includes some of Cudi’s hit songs like Day ‘N’ Nite, Pursuit of Happiness, and Sound Track to My Life. If you’re one of those listeners who doesn't like to listen to albums in order, those four songs are the best songs to start the MOTM journey with.

          Cudi takes the listeners on a journey about his life and his struggles with mental health. Many people feel connected to this album because of how relatable the story of MOTM can be. Fans have even claimed that “Kid Cudi saved my life.” In an article by Stereogum, they found that when people searched “___ saved my life”, Kid Cudi had the most results out of any other hip-hop artist. He has influenced fans and other big artists like Travis Scott, Lil Yachty, Chance the Rapper, and more. 

          This album got me into music and was the first I listened to fully. When I was nine my uncle was playing the song Cudi Zone from the album, which got me hooked on Man on the Moon. Later that day I went home and listened to the whole album. I remember listening to the rhythm and chorus of each song, making me feel like I was floating. Since then I haven't stopped listening to Kid Cudi and is one of my favorite artists. Man on the Moon has proven to be an all-time great with all its numbers and achievements. It deserves to be heard by everyone in the world and everyone should listen to this album at least once and experience the sounds and emotions each song brings to people's ears. 

The author's comments:

         I created this review because I love music and reviewing albums is one thing I like to do when it comes to listening to music. Man on the Moon by Kid Cudi is a ten out of ten to me which is why I wanted to write a review about it to persuade people to listen to it that haven't. Even though this album is pretty well known by now, there are still people who have never heard of it. The hard part about writing this review was trying to explain why the album is a must-listen. It was hard for me to find the right words to use to describe the album and each song's sound.  When it comes to writing, it is harder for me to persuade someone online than if I were persuading them in person. On the other hand, the easy part was writing about something that I enjoy and love. You can’t write a music review without listening and experiencing the whole thing which is why I wanted to make a review about Man on the Moon. Kid Cudi is what got me into music and ever since I listened to Man on the Moon, he has become my favorite artist and I keep up with any new music he comes out with. He is the reason why I listen to music so much and I am proud to be one of his fans. I enjoyed writing this review and I hope to persuade people to listen to this amazing album.

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