Facebook: America’s Number One Supplier of Annoying People | Teen Ink

Facebook: America’s Number One Supplier of Annoying People

October 24, 2013
By AbbyWinternitz BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
AbbyWinternitz BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Facebook: it’s about the most common social networking system in the world, just narrowing beating out twitter. About 87% of the US population has a Facebook account, making it incredibly easy to find many people you know and speak to on a regular basis. Facebook works as a digital copy of your life: you can tell people how you are, where you’ve been- even whether you're single or not. However, also like your life, there are some really annoying people that show up every now and then. For better or worse- your Facebook also shows your personality. And just like life, not all personality traits are good.There are several types of people on Facebook that are annoying to the rest of the world, and they are pretty easy to spot:
The Bragger
Just like in life, there is always that one person who can’t wait to tell the world about their fabulous life. This person is known as the “Bragger.” This person will frequently post a status about something amazing that happened to them that no one really cares about. Whether it be getting a college acceptance letter, a good grade on a test, or even a free bagel, this person just doesn’t know when to stop posting. Bragging isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes there really is something to post about, like meeting a famous person or going to a fun concert. But when the person does this several times a day, it’s time to hit the block button.
The Vague Pessimist
Every now and then (basically everyday), one might come a across a post along the lines of: “My life sucks” or “Why does everyone hate me?” These are tell tale examples of the “Vague Pessimist.” This person will post a very negative yet extremely non-descriptive status almost everyday. Chances are, said person only does this to get some sort of attention, not because something is actually wrong. While it might sound insensitive, these people need to realize that everyone has problems: you either ask for SPECIFIC help or move on, like the rest of us. Posting a really negative status on Facebook is not a way to deal with your problems; it’s a way to annoy the heck out of the rest of us.
The “Selfie” addict
In most cases, people generally like their own appearances. Some people, however, might like them a bit too much. On a lot of social networking sites- Facebook especially- there are some people a little too obsessed with taking pictures of themselves. These “selfie” pictures are extremely common on Facebook, and addicts aren’t very hard to spot. These are the people that take super-awkwardly close ups of themselves; posted usually with a haphazardly added quote that has nothing to do with anything, like “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” It doesn’t matter how attractive/slutty a person looks: it’s narcissism at it’s best, and- more importantly- it’s extremely irritating.
The Non-User
On the flipside, a person that doesn’t use their Facebook account is just as irksome as someone who uses it too much. This person can usually be spotted sporting an outdated profile picture, or could be using an inanimate object as their picture, such as a car or a cartoon character. They won’t post anything, won’t reply to anything posted by other people, usually only have somewhere between 12 and 150 Facebook friends. These people are extremely pointless in the Facebook world: what is the point of having a Facebook if you’re not going to use it? The purpose of Facebook is to have a life online, and just like it is important to participate in real life, it’s just as important to participate on Facebook. If a person really hates using Facebook that much, then they shouldn’t have an account to begin with.

Facebook is literally just a person’s life documented online. There isn’t really much of a difference: the annoying personalities one has to deal with in the real life are the same as those online. However, on Facebook, they are a lot easier to spot. Chances are we’ve all been a little annoying on this social network. The key is to find a balance. Using Facebook too much and not using Facebook at all are both equally irritating, and both equally common. But it’s not like we’re all going to stop using Facebook: if we did, what would we have to complain about?

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