Facebook: the Ultimate Website for Good and for Bad | Teen Ink

Facebook: the Ultimate Website for Good and for Bad

November 18, 2013
By Tory626 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Tory626 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Facebook. I now know so much about my semi-acquaintances, whom I have meet once in my life, that I feel as though I know them. We might as well just be the best of friends. I love seeing all of their statuses and pictures... At least some of them anyways. Otherwise, I groan every time I see that they've posted something because I just know it's going to be an annoying rant about how their life sucks and they hate everyone. But still, I don't delete them. "Un-friend" is just such a harsh button to push.

However, Facebook has some positive sides to it. It has made it easier to keep up with my real friends, some of whom live across the country, or maybe not even in the same continent as me. And it does let me easily connect with my family members and share my life with them. I mean, without Facebook I would have to e-mail my aunt and grandma every photo of myself that's ever been taken! God forbid I would have to actually send them in the mail!

Facebook has become an overrated, all-consuming time-waster for teenagers and even adults. Society is losing the feel of a nice, crisp letter arriving in the mail, with your name on it, and a handwritten sentiment that shows you just how much they care. Facebook is for those semi-acquaintances, not people that you actually love and care for. While it may be convenient that you can know everything that's going on with your friends, it also causes you to lose touch with reality. Instead of calling your friend or meeting up with them to talk about your lives, you only have to go on Facebook and click on their profile. Facebook, while convenient, has almost fully ruined the art of a handwritten letter or a well-timed phone call to a friend in need.

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