Experiencing Social Media Benefits | Teen Ink

Experiencing Social Media Benefits

May 5, 2014
By Bailey-Drew BRONZE, Placentia, California
Bailey-Drew BRONZE, Placentia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe I'm just the lucky one"

Look around you right now, how many people are on their phones? A lot right! Teens are spending two and a half hours online a day. 80% of the time online is spent socializing on social networking sites. Socializing online is the best way for teens to connect with their peers today. I believe that social media is beneficial to teens around the world.

My first reason is that social media helps teens with the same interests come together. In the article, Teenagers and Social Media Ellen Niemer infers, “Social media services encourage voting, discussion, feedback, comments and the sharing of information from all interested parties.” Also in the article Social Media has Good and Bad Effects on Kids: Experts Serena Gordon –A health day reporter writes, “Kids that have chronic illness can find others with their condition and get support.” These quotes explain that social media helps each different kid connects with other kids that have the same interests or diseases. Say your child has a love for painting, by posting his or her artwork on social media, she may get to know other artist online and learn about other types of artwork.

My second reason is that social media helps kids stay connected. Dr. Gwen O’Keefe, the CEO and Editor-In-Chief of Pediatrics says,” Social media is mostly good it’s where kids socialize today” (Social Media has Good and Bad Effects on Kids: Experts by Serena Gordon). She also says,” Kids don’t have the time or places like there parents did” (Social Media has Good and Bad Effects on Kids: Experts by Serena Gordon). This means that kids are struggling to hangout with their peers, but by using social media they can connect in a way that they never have before. Kids can hangout without going places or even leaving events or ceremonies, with just a touch of a button.

Yet, you may say social media is bad because my kid will become obsessed and that may lead to serious depression. In the article Teenagers and Social Media, the author Ellen Niemer tells us,” teens are not addicted to social media but rather they are experiencing an obsession or compulsion to constantly check social media.” Kids usually always have there phones that’s why sometimes its hard for them to not check there social media, even if the checked it five minutes before to absolutely make sure that they have not missed out on something that maybe there peers have seen. But let me just say, parents have lost a lot of control on there kids in the last 20 years, as a parent you limit your child’s food exercise and sleep, so why not there use of social media. A few hours a day is ok but if you have a child that is spending multiple hours online, that could be a sign of being obsessed with social media. Parents should be setting limits with there children making sure that the are checking social media and creating boundaries of when the phone is turned off at night and during school– you can even set limits with the company that owns you child’s phone.

Social media helps kids connect and be themselves. Kids have found a way to talk and socialize on a level that they couldn’t without social media websites or apps. I believe social media is beneficial for teens around the world because teens can get connected with people who have the same interest as them and still socialize with peers. Social media is a beneficial environment for your children as long as they are keeping a balanced life.

The author's comments:
I tried to branch out from my regular fiction writing.

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