Welcome, New Year | Teen Ink

Welcome, New Year

January 1, 2015
By dsturnea2015 SILVER, Brunswick,
dsturnea2015 SILVER, Brunswick,
9 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change."

Upon listening to the countdown I suddenly felt time slowing to an ease; as if time wasn’t ready to age once again.  But it must.  It’s a new age, new time and a new year.  Suddenly the countdown starts on the television, and a million thoughts and aspirations consume my mind for a simple second.  What will my New Year’s resolution be this time?  What shall push me to accomplish my resolution?  What am I capable of?  Looking back three hundred and sixty four days and thirty seconds ago, I was another person.  This time I will be more than a person.  I will be myself. 

Look to the New Year is an opportunity to be yourself.  Find your happiness; find your passions that lay hidden and buried like treasures.  Happiness can be found in infinite places, locations and people within the world.  Sometimes they will show up in your life.  Sometimes they will approach you in the hallway or local coffee shops.  Sometimes you have to take the leap of faith yourself and go for whatever you desire.  This year, travel the world without worry.  Explore the newest parts of town, step out of your social circles and enter the world around you.  Join extracurricular clubs and explore new opportunities that may not have been opportune in the past year.  Forget what the tweets and hashtags say, you can accomplish anything!

There were ten seconds left of 2014.  The television hosts shouting the countdown.  For the remaining seconds I forgot about school and the pain of the past year.  In the next ten seconds, none of the negativity or bad relationships will matter anymore.  The table of 2014 has been cleared and making way for 2015.  When the clock struck that magical midnight, and the fireworks blasted, confetti poppers exploding, the doors opened and the old air left the room.  However I kept the door open, as if I was holding it open.  As the new air rushed in I thought to myself, “Welcome, New Year.” 

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