Tupac the Poet | Teen Ink

Tupac the Poet

December 21, 2018
By johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Master Ugwe

High school students should study artest and poets. Tupac was one of the greatest rapper of all time. His mom was a black panther that did drugs and got put in jail for being a black panther. He was born in new york then moved to baltimore went to school called baltimore school of arts.

Tupac poetry was remarkable, because Tupac’s poems had feelings and it meant something to him. Tupac states in Wife 4 Life

“I hope u heard me when asked

u night 2 be my wife

Not for this year or next

But mine for all your life.”

In that poem that Tupac wrote, Tupac is saying that even though he’s not perfect, he wants his wife to stay with him to accept him for who he is. In my opinion Tupac means that he is in love with her but is complicate. High school students should Tupac because he was a powerful poet and had a message behind his poems.


High school students should study Tupac’s music because it is lyrical. The author states in HOLLER IF YOU HEAR ME  “ An argument can be made that the circulation of the word “n-----” serves to deprive the term of its negative meanings. “You my n-----” becomes a way of  bonding around” Tupac changed the meaning of the word n**** to “never ignorant getting goals accomplished.” Tupac made it a good meaning and his lyrics inspired people of color.

High school students should study Tupac because of his message and what he stood for he was a poet and in his music it had meaning “Tupac is the most potent had the most to say” Shock G. Students should learn about Tupac because of how he used his words in poems.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because people don't know much about Tupac and don't know what he really was.

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