First semester | Teen Ink

First semester

May 22, 2019
By marshallraley BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
marshallraley BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Over the first semester you learn many things about Anderson High School. After your classes you have to walk on the right side of the hallway getting to your next class. Most of the time you are up before the sun if you get to school on time. Later in the year the sun is up before I got up and the first time it happened I thought I was late to school. Friends change a lot in between middle school and high school. The things people say, do, and wear is different. Getting behind in high school is easy to do. Once this happens it is not easy to catch up and if you turn in missing assignments you can only get up to half credit on it which is what some Nagel teachers did so it wasn’t that different for me. When you get work that is due in a week just do it right away instead of waiting till the last night because it is just not fun at all to do. And for me it is harder because you know it is due the next day and it’s usually late at night and I wanted to watch Youtube or sleep and I couldn’t because I had homework to do that I got on Monday but waited till Thursday night to do instead which is a bad habit to get in to. The teachers are overall nice just do your work and they are chill with you but if they get mad it’s because they know you can do better than you did or have been doing recently. They want you to do good so you can pass and not have to retake their class because it is a waste of time. Just do good the first time and don’t waste time in class when you have time because it will be due and you will have to do it for homework which isn’t fun.

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