Should College Tuition Be Lowered? | Teen Ink

Should College Tuition Be Lowered?

November 3, 2019
By eghassell BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
eghassell BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is there a way we can make everyone a little less stressed out? College tuition is one of the top reasons kids and parents are stressed out. College tuition around the world should be lowered because everyone would have the same opportunities for jobs and teenagers would have less stress. Everyone deserves an education, and lots of families cannot provide this for their children because of immense tuition costs. 

Teenagers in the United States that cannot afford to attend colleges do not have the same opportunities as the people that are able to. According to, young adults in the United States earn 57% more if they have a bachelor’s degree than if they only had a high school diploma. Although having a high school diploma can get you good jobs, lots of higher level jobs require a college degree. The Imagine America Foundation states that one of the top 5 reasons some kids do not attend college is because they are either unable or think they are unable to afford the tuition. The average price for college in 2017-18 was $20,770 for in-state public schools. The average price for nonprofit private schools was $46,950! These numbers are outrageously high already, and so many schools are even higher than that. More people would consider going to college if they noticed a price reduction. Also, when these students get jobs with higher salaries, they are able to pay off the student debt they possess, which takes years for people to pay off. 

Lowering the price of college would also encourage more people to get their master’s degree or higher. Taking an extra year of school would be challenging, so lots of people are hesitant to do so. In 2018, around 21% of people had their master’s degree, and this number would only increase with prices that allow more people to learn the necessary material. More people with their master’s degree would have these higher paying, advanced jobs, and also create a well educated generation. People living in destitution would be able to take their family out of miserable conditions if they were able to attend college and get a stable job to support their family. Everyone benefits from lower tuition costs, so more colleges should look into it.

Students not only benefit from higher paying jobs, but they would also have less stress. The American Psychological Association revealed from a survey that students during the school year are more stressed. Tuition is one of the main causes of stress in students, so lowering the price of this financial burden would help relieve stress in thousands. According to the 2010 American College Health Association National College Health Assessment, more than 25% of students reported that stress lowered their grades. Families are already paying an absurd amount of money for their education, and stress from money is deteriorating their performance in school. A student with poor grades would only get more stressed about bettering their grades, and also may consider dropping out. To conclude, the stress from tuition piles more stress onto their lives. 

With all considered, the wise decision would be to lessen tuition costs for the benefit of students, families, and colleges. In a survey according to The Hechinger Report, seven in ten parents eliminated colleges from their children’s consideration because of costs. Lowering the cost used to only be a dream, but now tuition free schools should become a reality.

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