How I Think Schools Should Let Kids Enjoy Nature | Teen Ink

How I Think Schools Should Let Kids Enjoy Nature

November 20, 2020
By IvyW BRONZE, Worthington, Massachusetts
IvyW BRONZE, Worthington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that schools and places of employment should build “nature time” into the work day because school and work can be stressful due to the high amount of tasks placed on the students/employees. Work is even more stressful because if you make too many mistakes you could be without a job and end up broke and homeless. I think built in nature time could help elevate this stress because going for a walk in the woods or sitting near a stream helps clear the mind so it doesn’t make as many errors. I have personally used the woods around my house to clear my mind of all the daily stressors I have like schoolwork and the stress that comes from being LGBTQ+. I think all schools should have a class in the middle of the school day where the walk through some part of nature and the students and teachers share interesting facts they know about certain things around them. Another reason I believe that schools and places of employment should build “nature time” into the work day is because going outside has been proven to make people happier and no one wants an upset student or employee because an upset student/employee can get snappy and make mistakes they could otherwise avoid if they were in a better mood. Also a happy coworker/peer creates a happier environment for everyone they encounter and talk to in their day to day life. I believe that schools and places of employment should build “nature time” into the work day because going outside improves one's mood and helps them be more productive in their work or school life which in turn makes their peers/coworkers happier causing everyone to work harder and better.

The author's comments:

I decided to write this article because nature holds a strong place in my heart and as a student I do not get to enjoy it nearly as much as I'd like to.

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