Should We Start Extending Online School? | Teen Ink

Should We Start Extending Online School?

January 15, 2021
By jasminesemblante BRONZE, Waimea, Hawaii
jasminesemblante BRONZE, Waimea, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Extending Online School?


Online courses / training have become increasingly popular these days because of the Global Pandemic (COVID-19), as more and more organisations and businesses deliver online courses. Despite the prevalence of online education, however, large groups of individuals actively stay away from such strategies, mainly because of misconceptions. At the same time, conventional (classroom) training is fighting back and seeking to follow newer means of maintaining the attention of learners, amid the growing prevalence of online courses. I believe the preferred delivery method for others is face-to-face schooling.

Firstly, as well as the time spent in classrooms and between classrooms, a typical educational setting needs time to travel to and from school. For certain students, the flexibility of a conventional schedule of schooling can be extremely important, as having too loose a schedule can cause issues with procrastination, self-discipline, and more. Students who receive a traditional education may spend time working on school assignments between classes or at the end of classes, socializing with their friends, or getting additional support from teachers and peers.



Secondly, there are numerous activities for students to get interested in outside of class in most schools that offer a conventional education. Social interaction is a big part of attending a traditional school, from sports to academic clubs to hobby clubs and more. Students are also encouraged to complete group work or discuss topics with their colleagues even during class time, and time between classes is also just as social.

Lastly, self-discipline and self-motivation are unbelievably important qualities for someone to have, but to begin with, it is important to understand how you can learn them and how successful you are at them. If you are not very driven or disciplined, chances are that for you, at least for a while, a traditional education will be a better choice. There will be severe responsibility and tight deadlines in typical educational settings and tight schedules that enable you to keep on top of your schoolwork. This can be extremely beneficial, but it can also prevent a student from developing and mastering self-motivation and self-discipline skills that are required.

However, with traditional schooling, students are at greater risk of developing COVID-19. But, students can actually wear protective masks to prevent the disease from spreading. If we carry on the habit of wearing masks and cases start to decrease, we will be able to do traditional schooling for the remainder of the year. As students are also allowed to make their own plans and work with their other obligations, an online education can be very useful and they can complete tasks online at any time. Even so, others do not agree, traditional schools can be very helpful since students also associate with other students.



To conclude, in school classroom learning allows students and teachers to better understand each other. This helps teachers to better understand the students and assess their strengths and weaknesses, serve as mentors, and direct the students in their career opportunities. Due to constant contact between students and teachers, classroom learning is even more beneficial. Finally, relationships with successful teachers help inspire learners to obtain higher scores.

The author's comments:

In this argumentative essay we had to provide our take on how we feel about extending online school.

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