Reaching Your Dreams Through Optimism | Teen Ink

Reaching Your Dreams Through Optimism

January 28, 2021
By carly_rosenstrauch BRONZE, Austin, Texas
carly_rosenstrauch BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reaching Your Dreams Through Optimism

My goals in life are pretty straightforward. I want to go to a good college and study engineering while continuing to play soccer in college. I believe that in order for me to achieve these goals I need to work really hard now. I also believe that one thing that will help me achieve my goals is to keep an optimistic mindset, and that if others want to achieve their goals then they should consider keeping an optimistic mindset as well.

“Studies have shown that optimists experience a number of benefits later in life”(Wray). Optimists tend to have better test scores and higher GPAs; lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression; higher performance in a wide variety of sports; more job offers, and higher starting salaries. These are all reasons why it is beneficial to be optimistic.

One thing I have always followed, and one thing that has always motivated me is this saying my dad always says to me. He always tells me to “Pay now. Play later.” Now most people when I tell them this saying think my dad is harsh or that my parents are really strict and that I must not live a fun life. The truth of the matter could not be more opposite though. Yes, this saying can sound harsh to others, but to me it sounds more like motivation. I use it as a reminder when I feel like giving up, and it has allowed me to keep working hard. Another thing that really helps me in life, is to stay optimistic. Being optimistic isn’t just about being a positive person. It is about not finding excuses when something goes wrong, not giving up and thinking all is wrong with the world, and not seeing failure as permanent but only temporary.

Overall, being an optimistic person is very important and beneficial in life. If you want to accomplish something, or do well in something you will need to have a positive attitude and an optimistic mindset. In other words, I believe that everyone should try and be optimistic. If you are pessimistic and you see the world as a “glass is half empty” you can learn to become optimistic, as it is a learned skill, not something that you are just born with. All you have to do is know the true meaning of optimism and there will be nothing standing in your way except for yourself.


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