Public School Students Should Not Have to Wear Uniforms | Teen Ink

Public School Students Should Not Have to Wear Uniforms

May 13, 2021
By Anonymous

Should public school students have uniforms? No, it forces them to follow gender norms, and often times kids wear different clothes to express how they are feeling, they wouldn't be able to show that if they were wearing uniforms. Plus, kids styles express their personalities!

Uniforms force students to follow gender norms, girls have to wear short skirts, many girls probably aren't comfortable with wearing skirts that short. What about winter, they would be way to cold, also, boys have to wear pants and dress shirts, what about in the end of spring or beginning of fall? They'll be way to hot! Plus if someone goes by they/them pronouns than what clothes are they supposed to wear? The whole reason they go by they/them pronouns is because they don't feel like they fall under the category of girl or boy, so do they have to choose to be one or the other? No!

Often times kids wear different clothes to express how they are feeling, they wouldn't be able to express themselves if they were wearing uniforms. Its very important to be able to know if you should or shouldn't approach someone, if you're wearing a uniform, then how will anyone know how your feeling? If you're sad, you can't wear sad clothes to express yourself. No one will be able to tell by looking at you if they should leave you alone, or ask you what's wrong

Kids' styles express their personalities, just because not everyone can afford the same brand clothes. If someone can afford clothes from a thrift shop, they can get clothes of any color or style! Kids should get to choose whether they should wear rainbow, black, blue, white, or any color! Not everyone wants to talk, and tell people all about themselves, but they can wear clothes to express things, like if they've gone to Oregon, they can wear an Oregon shirt. They could wear something fun, like a romper, or something crazy, like a rainbow wig, that way they can stand out of the crowd to people who are like them.

Public school students should not have to wear uniforms, because it forces them to follow gender norms, often times kids wear clothes to express how there feeling. Plus, kids styles express their personalities!

The author's comments:

I do not think that public school students should have to wear uniforms.

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