A bit of descriptive writing for school | Teen Ink

A bit of descriptive writing for school

February 21, 2022
By Anonymous

I remember meeting him for the first time in 7th grade. His hair, buzzed off, baggy jeans that god awful blue jacket, stained with god knows what. I knew immediately that we were going to be good friends; We were. Fast forward to now, 10th grade, and him and I are dating. Something I never thought would happen, though I’m very happy about. He makes me so happy, and he’s quite handsome.

He towers over me, standing at 6’2, it’s intimidating at times, but for the right reasons, mainly because he worries about me. His hair is shoulder length and brown, very thick. His eyes are a grayish blue, with a dark outer ring on his iris. His eyebrows are some how bushy and well kept at the same time; it’s peculiar. He’s got a big nose and a strong jawline. His upper lip is slightly thinner than his bottom  one, and his smile is goofy and amazing, like a puppy dog when they’re confused but still excited about something. His skin is smooth and surprisingly stretchy; it weird. He’s tan, but a very light tan, sort of like a thin layer of honey in a glass cup. You know what that looks like, right?

His arms and body are lanky and awkward, but I find it adorable, because again he makes me so happy. He’s kinda hairy, and always has some type of stubble on his face, and hair all over his arms. He’s very boney, his hip bones protrude out, but it’s okay, because everyone is different.

His voice is deep and and silky like a good bass line in the beginning of a metal song. If I had to give his voice a colour, it would be either Viridian. A beautiful shade of green, with dark blue undertones, and an extremely rich in colour, that match his voice and his strong country accent. Another colour I’d use to describe him is Xanadu. Xanadu, like his personality is a extremely soft and muted shade of green, calming, tranquil, but beautiful and gives a sense of kindness and safety. A song to describe or bond, “Ain’t no mountain high enough,” or “k.” By Cigarettes After Sex.

He’s always wearing a over shirt of some kind, whether it’s his maroon hoodie  or one of his flannels, paired with jeans, and his old Jordan’s. Oh and socks… he never takes his socks off. He always wears a watch on his right hand and the bracelets me and our best friend made him on his left; it’s sweet.

He’s sweet. He’s kind, and compassionate, and he’s mine, and that makes me happy. 

That’s about it, constructive criticism welcome.

The author's comments:

This is purely for school, because I have to publish it somewhere, however constructive criticism is very much welcome :)

The image is just one of the colour I talked about, Xanadu.

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