Love for Art Classes | Teen Ink

Love for Art Classes

May 30, 2024
By Brianloveskwaks BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Brianloveskwaks BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear high achieving students and parents,

As we embark on a new school year, it’s common to face questions about the courses to choose. Theres a variety to choose from, AP math, AP english, language, AP science, etc. Among these questions, one often stands out ,”Why would you take an art class over an AP?” The value of an art class, however, extends far beyond the conventional wisdom.

This question is recurring every year primarily because of the social norms we, the high achieving community, have placed. The idea of putting yourself in constant tension and over workload is like bread and butter. Thus, making the thought of even considering to take an art class laughable. 

A huge misconception that many believe in is that art is just wasting an hour to paint or draw. According to “Is Art a Waste of Resources?" by ART ED GURU, they explain that creating art stimulates various brain regions, enhancing cognitive functions like memory and focus. So, it’s is not just about painting or drawing: it’s a gateway to exploring your creativity and honing critical thinking skills. In art, there is no right or wrong answer --- only endless possibilities waiting to be discovered. This freedom to experiment and think outside the box is invaluable in a world that demands originality and innovations. 

Furthermore, art can be used as a stress relief. In the article, "The Arts and Achievement in School" by The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, shows that there is an increase in attendance and motivation in schools with students who have taken art classes. In the midst of a hectic academic schedule, taking a moment to relax can be very therapeutic. It allows us to step back, breathe, and recuperate by spending time with ourselves.

Ultimately, the decision between an AP course and an art class goes beyond mere academic demands; it’s about shaping the image and character you want to portray. In "21st Century Skills and the Arts" by The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, they explain that art classes encourage students in creativity, innovation, critical thinking/analysis, and communication. 

Art has the power to define us. It reveals parts of ourselves we may not have known existed. It encourages us to be brave, to appreciate our individuality, and to perceive the world through different lenses.

So, the next time someone questions your choice in taking an art class, remember that it’s not just learning how to draw or paint; you are learning to see the world in a different style of art. 



Brian Kwak

The author's comments:

I am a Junior who attends a high-achieving school. Just walking around and talking with classmates, I found a common trend that many students only focus on APs and take very tough classes. Also, they often tend to burn out and become really stressed out.

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