Mr.Distefano | Teen Ink


March 20, 2016
By Anonymous

This is my eleventh year in high school and throughout these past years I’ve went to two different types of schools Glasgow and Dickinson High School. I’ve met a lot of teachers and had the pleasure of getting close to a lot, but no matter where I have went I can personally say I’ve never met any other teacher as special as Mr. Distefano.  He is not only the Drivers Education teacher but the soccer coach for Boys and Girls. Mr. Distefano is a very dedicated administrator who is very well liked by not only me but all of his students and the staff at Dickinson High school as well.

From the very first day I had class with Mr.D he has always had a very positive attitude. Day in and out there was never a day where he wouldn’t joke around with his students. He always wants to show his students that it’s okay to laugh in his class and have fun. At the same time he does help his students a lot and always puts them first. If anything his goal is to educate his students about driving so that they can become responsible drivers. Trying to do that Mr.D never gives up on his students and will try to go out of his way to make sure every student is on the same page, always reminding us about anything that needs to be done and helping them outside of the classroom.

The same way he can help in the classroom he can do that on the field. Being one of the girls’ soccer coaches he cares deeply for all the girls and always tries to help with any problem we have. For example whenever a certain girl needs help with doing kicks or passes he is the one to help out one-on-one. Mr.D always has a pleasure helping us out, and the girls always have a pleasure as well being coached by him especially since we know how much he loves the sport just like us. He shows it every day at practices and also participates with us as well. Giving us as much advice we need he always shows a father figure towards us.

In general even if you aren’t one of his students or play soccer Mr. Distefano is that type of teacher that no matter what he will always have a friendly attitude towards you. If you ask help from him he will always be happy to do so. Mostly the whole school knows about him and knows that he is a very chill funny teacher and that’s why everyone is comfortable being around him. He always carries very good vibes with him and I think that is such an important trait as a staff that you should have. Wherever you go, as a teacher you should make students feel welcome and important. That is something Mr.D has had since the first time I met him.

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