Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By fcontreras25 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
fcontreras25 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My top 3 reasons why i think Dystopian literature is a rise in popularity today because 1.entertain readers.2.let people understand the ideas of characteristics. 3.dystopian novels are most recommended.


Couple reasons dystopian literature is a rise in popularity is because it entertains readers.Not only does it entertain readers but it helps people understand the ideas of characteristics.dystopian stories are recommended to mostly everyone.

Reason 1-Entertaining.research has shown that dystopian novels tend to arise as a response to times of threat or danger.When we read the 3 stories in class i thought they would be like normal stories so i thought i would not be interested in them.But i was wrong,when we read harrison i was kind of interested and entertained .when we read ten with a flag i was even more entertained in it.But my favorite was the veldt.That story i  really liked.It was like if the more i read the more i would be entertained.Dystopian novels have became more popular in pop culture and still is getting more popular today.

Reason 2-understanding characteristics-In dystopian stories/novels /tv shows and such more,there are there are so many characteristics and it helps people understand.like for example technological control,totalitarian control,oppressive societal control,and many more.Some people might not understand some of these characteristics so reading dystopian stories will help a lot.Like for example for technological control in ten with a flag,From when jonnie downgraded a car and was talking about the speaker they knew they were being heard from government.

Reason 3-recommendation-Dystopia has been such a rise in popularity lately and still is.It is recommended to those who like stories about an  imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad.Most people like those types of stories so thats one of the reasons why its recommended.

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