Body Image | Teen Ink

Body Image

March 1, 2019
By Anonymous

Why do girls continue to want a body like these models on the internet? You should love your body the way it is. God made you that way for a reason. He didn't create your body for you to hate it. Embrace the beauty of your body. Let everyone know you're not ashamed.

There's a lot of people that feel uncomfortable in their own skin but why? Is it because of what social media is projecting out to them. If you feel that you have to change at least one part of your body just unfollow that person. There making you feel some type of way about your body. They are making you feel down about yourself. They want you to look like them by persuading you to get waist trainers, makeup, and have you drink protein shakes that most likely won't help you. You are your own unique self.

Psychologists found robust cross-cultural evidence linking social media using body image continuously. The most vulnerable users, researchers say are the ones that spend most of their time on social media comparing themselves . As you can see social media is a toxic mirror and 2 out of 5 people look into that mirror and start to dislike their body.

I feel that you should love your body. You need to stop looking at models on social media hating your body. You shouldn't think about what others have to say about you and embrace your inner beauty. Even celebrities believe you should love your natural beauty. Like, alicia keys didn't wear makeup for a whole year to send a message that natural beauty is the best beauty. I’ve hated my body when i was younger. I wanted to be bigger than my actual size i felt that i needed everything that the girls down my social media timelines. As i got older i realized that there's no need to change myself i'm beautiful the way i am.

If you’re not comfortable with seeing another person's body, log off of your social media account for a while to get yourself together. Also you can unfollow those accounts that makes you want to change a single part of your body. You could email the social media accountants and ask if they could view less people with images or videos about the shape their body including bathing suit pictures. You shouldn't have to feel bad about your body. Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. You should be able to love your body without having to change it. Don't ever let someone say your ugly because your not you’re beautiful just the way you are , haters are just going to hate. Love your body and show those bullies you love your body

The author's comments:

I feel that body image is having alot of people down and some depressed.

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