Definition of Happiness | Teen Ink

Definition of Happiness

January 31, 2021
By Anonymous

It's easy to distinguish the difficulties in your life. Many people that I know are pessimistic, this causes them to have low expectations of life itself. Giving them no other option than to just decompose. Life is given for a reason we all have a purpose in life. If it's a figure outing a cure for AIDS or teaching kids there ABC’s. As I express to my friends, to experience joy and happiness you need to understand how it feels to be in despair. As I am getting older I have come across many difficulties in life. But you need to hold on one thing to move on and grow from those difficult situations. It's very easy to just bathe in all of the dilemmas you may have going on. I like to prove myself wrong by imagining my future and the happiness I may feel. Another thing I implement into my life is saying one positive thing about myself. We teens have been through unspeakable things, and we will continue to have problems and burdens  that will make us doubt our existence. You need to remember that even if you're going through challenging times people are always here for you. Several people believe no one will want to hear how you feel. But that is false. If you think that no one cares for you and you're not worthy enough for anything that is false. We all deserve happiness, so don’t put yourself down.  Now us tennagers are pounded with homework and given such high expectations. Also given from peers and bullying, Mary Ellen Flannery states, “... 70 percent of teens say anxiety and depression is a "major problem" among their peers...”.  Just the amount of thrash we get in school from peering. Ways to relieve anxiety is by getting enough sleep and taking deep breaths. Just know that you are worthy and hopefully this was able to make you feel that you are not alone. The definition of happiness is different for everyone. If you may not feel happy you will get it sooner or later. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255

1-800-TLC-TEEN (852-8336)

The author's comments:

Its ok. If you are feeling negative about life. You will make it through. You are supported 24/7. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255

1-800-TLC-TEEN (852-8336)

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