Aldichie speech vs Hillary’s speech | Teen Ink

Aldichie speech vs Hillary’s speech

April 5, 2024
By Anonymous

In a world of change, where gender separation happens and desire change where gender equality is not just a goal but a reality to happen. Women had been impacted by social norms throughout the year and there was clear unfairness between them and men. They are given different roles compared to men and are believed to mainly stay at home because some jobs could “harm” them. Both of the speeches called “APEC Women and the Economic Summit” by Hillary Clinton and “We Should All Be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about how to get women to break out of these social norms and try to live their own lives. Although both of the speeches talks about women empowerment, Adichie provides gives a more persuading story connect her own experiences with women social norms and how it affected them, while Clinton's speech talks about women being in the workforce and how that will allow for more income and the economic benefit of allowing them to get these kind of jobs.

Clinton suggests that women being in the workforce will boost up our economy if they are able to get a job that is similar to males and increase US wealth. For example in paragraph 21 of the APEC speech Clinton said “Women will control $15 Trillion in spending by the year 2014… Women will be responsible for about 2/3rds of consumer spending worldwide.” This tells us that Women are vital for US growth as they are the ones that are mainly spending to give money to the government. Another example in paragraph 20 Hiliary states “Unlocking the 

potential of women by narrowing the gender gap could lead to a 14% rise”. This tells us that more women could be in jobs and be in the workforce to provide more wealth to the business leading to more profit overall for production. This is important due to the fact that many women are viewed as people that are never meant to work in a place where it could harm or endanger them. Clinton suggests that women provide other people a better opportunity to increase wealth for everyone  and provide more work to society. In paragraph 26 it stated that “women comprise nearly half of the agricultural labor force.” This quote tells us that many women work in agriculture and it almost reaches numbers that equals to men working in agriculture and there was no decrease to the economy but boosts the economy. Another example in paragraph 25 states ‘removing barriers mean that the talent and skills of women can be deployed more efficiently.” This quote means that if women could show off their skills and show what they are capable of we could use women in the workforce and they will be able to work efficiently with no problems.

 Adichie suggested that marriage isn’t made from pure love but out of pure necessity to live for women because women are forced by society to marry or they would be considered weird.  This was discussed when Adichie in paragraph 4 states “Our society teaches a woman at a certain age who is unmarried to see it as a deep personal failure”. This quote tells us that women are forced to marry as everybody will think of her like she is lower than people who are married and this reveals how society forces us to act and talk similarly to what gender they are and if they try to show any sign of difference they will get shunned by society. Another example in pg 4 states “I am expected to make my life choices always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important.” This is important due to the fact that it tells us marriage is taught to many women as it is a must to marry.” This quote tells us that parents tell their children to marry if they’re grown up while men don't get told to get married at a specific age.

Between Adichie’s and Clinton’s speech, Adichie’s speech was way more empowering as Adichie talks about her personal experience with how women are being treated unequally. While Clinton’s speech only talks about how women are placed in society and how improving their job capability to work in fields will improve the economy. For instance in Adichie’s speech she said “feminist is a man or a woman who says, yes, there’s a problem with gender as it is today and we must fix it, we must do better. All of us, women and men, must do better.”. This tells the audience that anyone could be a feminist and not only women could be feminist. That also tells us that everybody should fight to go for equality between all genders and how social norms of the women should all be removed. Clinton’s speech mainly talks about the money benefit of having women in jobs and improving the government. For instance, Clinton said “There is a stimulative and ripple effect that kicks in when women have greater access to jobs and the economic fortunes of their families, their communities, and their countries.”. This quote tells that if one woman gets a well known job that they typically can’t get it will go on and go down a path where many women could get those kinds of jobs and earn a nice amount of money. But in order to remove inequality from women we have to get rid of social norms that were set by history and break through that barrier. So Adichie’s speech was way better due to the fact that it talks more about the feminism and social norms that women face.


In conclusion, Adichie and Clinton both talked about how women should have more equality and that will lead to better benefits to society as a whole. Adichie mainly talks about how social norms have to be forgotten and to let women live the lives they want. While Clinton talks about the economic benefit to letting women get jobs and how it is a vital source of growth. Although Adichie had a better speech talking in depth about social norms, Both talked about the importance of feminism and how it could benefit the world.

The author's comments:

talks about the big difference between the speeches

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