To the Smallest Man Who Ever Lived | Teen Ink

To the Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

May 2, 2024
By zalimzerwala BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
zalimzerwala BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Stranger,

I don’t think you remember me, but I remember you.

It was the first time my sister had ever driven me. She had just got her license, and all summer we had been waiting to blast Taylor Swift with the windows rolled down. So we did just that.

We were stopped at a red light, and had turned the music down a bit — in hopes of not drawing any attention — when you pulled up next to us. Coincidentally, your windows were also down and we overheard some of the comments you made to your friend.

I doubt you meant for us to hear, but we did anyway. 

All she does is write about her boyfriends

She can’t even sing

She’d have been nothing without Kanye

Your friend’s body tensed as they sat silently in the passenger seat, I wonder if they felt the same. Before he could answer, the light turned green, and you were gone.

This wasn’t the first time I had heard someone say that about Taylor Swift and it definitely wasn’t the last. While I may not have seen you since, I’ve met many others like you. 

I’d like to think that you didn’t really mean it, that you just wanted to seem cool in front of your friend. Maybe you were even a secret fan who just felt the need to overcompensate to hide your true feelings.

Either way, these comments against Taylor felt like comments against all women. Maybe you didn’t realize but your misogynistic opinions hurt. You are entitled to your own opinions but that doesn’t mean you are entitled to hurting and putting down others. 

Maybe you should think before you speak, and realize that this person you’re talking about is indeed real. you’re talking about. Next time, notice how your actions can impact others.

Artists like Justin Beiber, Drake, and Bruno Mars have written many songs about their exes. Even Kanye West has an entire album dedicated to one, yet I doubt you’ve ever commented on this.

Ever since that day, I’ve been hyper-aware of the additional obstacles and challenges that I face just because I am a woman. I see women who have finally made it, and instead of being happy, I have to listen to people like you drag them down.

When you look at Taylor Swift, you feel your tragic masculinity breaking. When I look at Taylor Swift, I see an amazing lyricist and inspiration to women all over the world.

So, the next time you hear the name Taylor Swift, I hope you can see her through my eyes. Or, at least have the courtesy to keep your hurtful opinions to yourself.


Zanaiya Limzerwala

The author's comments:

The title is a reference to Taylor Swift’s song titled “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” on her album The Tourtured Poets Department (2024).

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