What Are Some Answers to America’s Gun Violence? | Teen Ink

What Are Some Answers to America’s Gun Violence?

May 28, 2024
By Arslan786 BRONZE, Mancester, Connecticut
Arslan786 BRONZE, Mancester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a world where kids feel safe in their schools, neighbors trust one another, and everyone feels secure in public places. Sadly, in America today, gun violence often shatters this sense of safety. The headlines are filled with tragic stories that leave us asking, "What can we do to stop this?" Tackling gun violence is a complex issue, but several promising solutions could make a real difference. 

One effective way to reduce gun violence is through stricter background checks. By ensuring that only responsible individuals have access to firearms, we can prevent many potential tragedies. Background checks help identify people with criminal histories or mental health issues that make them a risk to others. For example, states with stricter background check laws have seen fewer gun related deaths. According to the Giffords Law Center "comprehensive background checks can reduce gun homicides by 53% and gun suicides by 31% in states that implement them" (Giffords Law Center). Expanding these laws nationwide could help create a safer environment for everyone. Currently, there are loopholes in the federal background check system that allow people to buy guns without a thorough check, especially at gun shows and through private sales. Closing these loopholes is essential. By requiring background checks for all gun sales, we can ensure that firearms do not end up in the wrong hands. Additionally, waiting periods for gun purchases can provide an extra layer of security, giving authorities more time to complete background checks and potentially preventing impulsive acts of violence.

Another important solution is community-based programs that address the root causes of gun violence. Programs that provide support and resources to at-risk youth can prevent them from turning to guns in the first place. These programs often offer mentorship, education, and job training to help young people build better futures. For instance, Cure Violence is a program that treats violence as a public health issue. It hires and trains outreach workers to intervene in conflicts and connect individuals to services that can change their lives "Studies have shown that communities with such programs have seen significant reductions in gun violence" (National Institute of Justice). Investing in mental health services is another crucial strategy. Many instances of gun violence, including mass shootings, are linked to mental health issues. Ensuring that people have access to mental health care can help prevent these tragedies. This includes providing support for those who may be experiencing crises and making sure that individuals who are a danger to themselves or others do not have access to firearms. Red flag laws, which allow family members or law enforcement to petition a court to temporarily remove guns from individuals who are deemed a threat, have been effective in several states. According to Everytown for Gun Safety, "states with red flag laws have seen decreases in gun suicides and overall gun deaths" (Everytown for Gun Safety).

While gun violence is a complex issue, there are clear steps we can take to make a difference. Stricter background checks and community based programs are two effective ways to address the problem. By closing loopholes in the background check system and investing in programs that provide support to at-risk individuals, we can reduce the likelihood of gun violence. Additionally, ensuring access to mental health services and implementing red flag laws can prevent many tragedies. By working together and implementing these solutions, we can create a safer America where everyone feels secure.


Works Cited


Giffords Law Center. "Background Checks Save Lives." Giffords, 2024, www.giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/policy-areas/background-checks/. 

Everytown for Gun Safety. "The Impact of Gun Violence on Children and Teens." Everytown Research & Policy, 2024, www.everytownresearch.org/report/the-impact-of-gun-violence-on-children-and-teens/. 

National Institute of Justice. "Community-Based Violence Prevention Programs." NIJ, 2023, www.nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/community-based-violence-prevention-programs. 

The author's comments:

I am a senior in high school who will graduate in june, i am posting this artical because i feel that we should talk about it more and perform and action about it. 

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